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While at the carwash...

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I was cleaning out my car,when some kid came though in a new caddy acting fresh as anything next to me and my 1991 lumina. He had all of his doors open and was trying to show off his bass, that sounded horribly distorted, and pretty weak. Although I have a 15 in the trunk that I knew would blow him away, I passed it up and made the mature decision to not have a mini bassrace in public like that.

Anyone proud?

I honestly think coming to ssa has made me gain a lot of respect for real car audio and respect for others on the road. I used to be the annoying person behind you at a red light pumping my nasty bass as hard as possible, but now I turn it down, or at least turn down the bass.

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Thats awesome, i know i would sure have a hard time doing what you did.

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i would tell him to turn it up ....cause u know > we just "like" the sound of distortion

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Good decision grasshopper! You should've went over and asked to him to see what it "really" could do...LMAO!!! Just kidding, you did the right thing.

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i would of told him his system was real cute, keep up the good work on killing your subs for showing off

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:) :)

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lol... reminds me of one time at a red light, a kid pulled up in what must've been his mommy's Ford Focus wagon with the stock stereo cranked all the way up, I wouldn't really have minded it but he kept looking over mean muggin' tryin to act hard so I had to shut him down :)

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i shut down my homeboys ex back when i had my 4 10cvr's and my 500watt rms MTX T4501, she had 2 15 P3s and a 500.2 in a 300 i shut her down.

Good job on walking away.

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Nice. Much better to laugh at him compensating than to do anything else.

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my boyfriend wouldve done the same thing. Me on the otherhand, if anyone does that, and i know mines louder...i cant help but turn it up and watch their jaws drop. Its funny to see peoples reactions because im a tiny white girl in a lexus.

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You did more then I would have, I would have asked him what he had in there, laughed and turned mine up.

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You did more then I would have, I would have asked him what he had in there, laughed and turned mine up.

would of done the same thing

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What a nice guy. I've always been the type to turn my stereo down at stoplights and whatnot. The only time I don't is when someone else rolls up next to me blasting their stereo, then I'll turn mine up (unless there's other people next to me). I'm the type to have respect for others, until they don't do the same.

I really only turn it up on main roads when it's not too late. I always cut it down in neighborhoods, at stop lights, etc.

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i always turn mine down around the school, and at stop lights. and in little roads with houses close to the road i turn it down. i especially turn it down in the neighborhood. i dont want anyone stealin my stuff. just out of respect as well. good job OP!

btw OP, what part of Indiana are you in?

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I've been in the same situation but some kid from my school rolled up in a nice ass car, a mustang to be exact, and he had like one 12 inch sony xplod, and an autobahn and was trying to show off (i have a very dinged up 95 lumina). i laughed at him and turned up my single bl and his jaw dropped and was shaking the taco bells windows and vibrating the signs,

was quite funny

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Boo, I Say!

You Should Have Shown Him The Way Of The True Basshead, Grasshopper.

Annihilate The Idiots, Pillage Their Weak Mainstream Crap!


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Boo, I Say!

You Should Have Shown Him The Way Of The True Basshead, Grasshopper.

Annihilate The Idiots, Pillage Their Weak Mainstream Crap!



i second that.

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I always turn mine down at lights/stop signs and that kind of stuff but i would have defiantly showed him up. You need to put him in his place so he won't do it anymore. Either that or he'll give Best Buy some more business lol.

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i would tell him to turn it up ....cause u know > we just "like" the sound of distortion

You are my kind of guy.. lol...

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damn that is hellllaaa true i used to do that and i liked to piss people off but not more i just turn down the bass

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you acted the best way you could in that situation.

In truth even if you would have made him cry on the spot it's much better this way. Instead of you feeling proud for a few minuites and making others really mad, he has a few thousand people laughing at his imaturity thanks to your story, and you still have your integrity.


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well. i am the kind of person who turns it down at stoplights as well, i dont want the older people to gain any worse of a stereotype of teens.... haha

BUT, boy oh boy... i go to a private school, sooo many rich kids, kids zooming around the parking lot with these nice ass cars, with their little stereos up loud, and you know, some kids got a few subs and whatnot, but everytime school's out, heads all around the parking lot are turning, jaws dropping.

This kid pulled up to me in a brand new ,all souped up Camero, playing his stereo, with a sealed 10 at best, lol

Well, he gets out, starts walking away, hits the button to lock his car, and activate the alarm, and im just sitting in my car, i turn the volume up to about half with my windows down, his alarm goes off like on the lighter setting, like if a ball hit's your car, so i roll my windows up, he came running back, and stands next to my door, i crank that shit all the way, and roll the window down, he covers his ears and backs up into his car AHAHA then the alarm is going off full force, like another car hit it, then within minutes, a crowd gathers...

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You should of told him big system take little system before you played yours since he wanted to show off his new little camaro, and then unloaded your system and have him hand over his system so you could sell it (I did this to one of these kids at my college since he would always ask me how much I bet his is louder and I said winner takes the loser system). Not only was he made for making assumptions but he lost his amp and sub, I let him keep the box so he could start over or just leave him a remembrance of what he lost for being an ass.

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