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Five-year-old Romanian Weightlifter

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Giuliano Stroe has six-pack abs before turning six years old. And he's also in the Guinness Book of World Records before he can probably even read it.

Though it's highly unusual for a child to start weight training at such a young age, the pre-schooler entered the record books earlier this year after completing the fastest ever 10-meter walk with a weight ball between the legs, which is both both highly impressive and highly specific. Since then, a four-minute video of Stroe has hit the Internet and made him a viral sensation.

It looks like a training montage from a Rocky movie, minus the Survivor soundtrack. (And, interestingly, Guiliano Stroe is almost the same size as Slyvester Stallone.)


The highlights:

0:32 -- The "Crouching Tiger" wall flip.

0:41 -- Backflips on the kitchen table. Even Richard Heene thinks that's questionable parenting.

1:43 -- Doing barbell curls with toddlers dancing to 50 Cent in the background.

3:19 -- More flipping, this time from a high bar.

3:39 -- My arms hurt from just watching that.

The pre-schooler's gymnastic skills are every bit as impressive as his weightlighting prowess. Both sports are national obsessions in Romania, so Stroe should have plenty of options when he becomes a teenager ... in 2017.

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Freaking ridiculous man, I need him to be my personal trainer or workout partner.

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I watched this earlier today and I can't help but wonder if this kid actually enjoys doing this or is he being forced into it by his parents?? Maybe to fulfill their goals for him or something? He should just be out being a kid, not weight training at such an early age. Just my opinion, maybe he likes it? But either way it seems a bit odd to me. Nevertheless, its impressive.

Edited by Freebird

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I would tie those parents up and drop them into a pen full of rabid piglets. That's child abuse if you ask me but then again we're talking about another country here.

I did lol at the Numa-Numa song in the background at 3:17

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Isn't it bad for kids to lift weights?

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not sure if this is true or not, but doesn't working out at that early age stunt your growth? :shrug:

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not sure if this is true or not, but doesn't working out at that early age stunt your growth? :shrug:

Yeah, that's what I was thinking.

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what a coincidence, my coworker just showed me that video a few hours ago.

I saw a program like 20/20 on like a 3 or 4 year old like this

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Yikes, I want my son to be athletic, but not like this.

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His father took him to the gym but it was the kid's "decision" to train. Saw the report on tv...

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its nice to see him work out but come on his a kid let him enjoy his life with toys and all that

i feel everyone on saying that the growth will be an issue but his mostly using his own body to workout but then again i dont know anything about it so

if he loves what his doing and it looks like he does let him

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so i read somewhere in a website bodybuildingdungeon.com that growth doesn't cause anything from lifting but using steroids with cause the peak of growth

and im jealous of this kid fing05.gif

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