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Eric Steagall

Fi shipping question

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I just have a question guys. I e mailed fi last week and they said my fi btl should ship out no later than Thursday of last week. But I never recieved a tracking number or anything. I'm not like trippin or anything I just want to know cuz I want to be home or have somebody at my house to recieve it because I work a lot and am not always at my house. I know that fi is really busy so do they ship and just not send a tracking number? Or has my BTL not been shipped out yet? Thanks guys

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Your BTL is the first one to ship once we get the second order of magnets in...it was never going to go last Thursday because you were the very first order for the second shipment of magnets to be in.


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Second batch hit docks in LA today. Waiting for things to clear customs and should have them in on the 23rd. We are already set to run two 10hour machine shop shifts to get as many knocked out as possible. We will have normal night shift for assembly running as well so morning guys will have plenty to pack. We will try as hard as possible to get things knocked out before we close on the 24th at 3PM . We will get the balance done ASAP the following week.



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See, Can't Get Customer Service Like This From Most Companies.

Scott, You'll Be Getting A Huge Order After Christmas From Me.

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I have another question for you Scott, I just ordered another FI BTL I didn't check the universal option but I ment to. Can you change it for me please?

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Hello guys..i got email from Fi few weeks before said that my sub was finished on14th Dec and it would shipped out the next day.But I havent got any tracking information until now.Was it because same the thing happen according to Mr Scott last update?I love this company.Can't hardy find this kind of customer service.Keep it up the Good job.. :drink40:

Thank's A Lot Guy..

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I got my tracking info already.Cant hardly wait till it arrive :lol2: Thanks Fi

Post pics when you recieve it!! and remember lift with you legs :peepwall:

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