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Aaron Clinton

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Helped the in-laws move for 9 hours today in the blazing heat, that counts for something seeing I missed a meal.

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Does reading what you all are doing count because I get worn out just thinking about it ;)

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Did 3 chest, 3 tricep, 40 pushups, about 100 crunches and some other ab work, and an upper shoulder lift. Had to go in a bit of a hurry today because I'm about to play 9 holes of golf. I suppose that walking will count as my cardio for the day.

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jumped on the threadmill did 20 minuts of cardio.

bench 225lbs 3 sets of 10

behind shoulder press 135lbs 3x10

seated row 185lbs 3x10

soulder shrugs 90lb dumb bells 3x10

bent over row 85lbs 3x10

then jumped back on thread mill and did 30 minutes of cardio for 300 calories

im trying to get back to 200 lbs im currently 235lbs


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First off GREAT thread idea Aaron.

As of 0650 this morning I've walked 2 miles, and will walk about 3 more through the day. And the intra-day walk will be in my cammi's and at least 100* too

Even fishing makes ya sweat a shit ton.


I think people underestimate the power of walking. My friend lost 70lbs over the summer by eating right and walking about 5 miles a day.

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I lifted a ton. More reps than usual for a Tuesday. Might even be sore tomorrow, but will try and hydrate through. Stupid local Italian joint had deals on a big red I really enjoy and I lifted the shit out of my glass. Lifted so hard my head might hurt tomorrow.

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5 leg lifts and 4 miles on the bike.

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As I am still in rehab mode:

* 50 minutes on the pre-core / 595 calories

* 4 minutes of crunches

* 3 sets of 25 of hanging leg lifts

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55minutes on the precore : 593 calories.

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Stupid fucking Chevy truck. Had to drop it off for service AGAIN. Needless to say, rode home the 14mi.

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Today I did two bicep lifts, two shoulder lifts, four back lifts, 30 pullups, 40 pushups, some ab work, and ran around my block (1.4 miles). That was after I moved my gf and her friend into the same apartment. So I kinda did two bicep/back workouts today, ha.

Aaron, how do you stay motivated to be on that machine for an hour? I get bored on the bike after 25 minutes.

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Well I finally got gym time today. Goal is to get them to allow it to be m-f every morning.

Walked about .25 mile each way

all exercises are 3 sets of 10 with the total weight listed next to them. If I don't know the name, I'll try and explain.

Seated chest press (sit down, leaning back push off of rests similar to super inclined bench press) 110

Cable rope pull downs 42.5

Reverse grip cable bar push down curls 50

Regular grip cable bar curls 65

Free weight forearm (palms up) curls 20 (per arm)

Barbell forearm (palms down) curls 35 (total)

Shrugs 160

For my first time back in the gym since march (and 10 lbs heavier than I was then) I dont think this was too bad. Now its time to go eat some breakfast.


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Well my gym is closed today so I just did my home workout, basically just like a small fitness test. It's based on the iron gym bar, which is not extensive at all. But at least it's something. So I did pullups, pushups, tricep dips, and added some ab stuff between the different exercises. Compared to last year at this time, I'm fairly happy with my progress. Following are my totals in three sets followed by my results last year in parenthesis.

Pullups: 36 (24)

Pushups: 64 (40)

Tricep dips: 80 (72)

I believe the rain has finally stopped for the night, so I'm going to go run 2 miles.

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Aaron, how do you stay motivated to be on that machine for an hour? I get bored on the bike after 25 minutes.

When I was training at full tilt, I would do 45 minutes, weights for 45, then more cardio. So it is not too bad, just turn on m1live.com on the iphone and zone out to CNN and just bust my ass until the timer reads 0:00 time left. That and knowing that I have got to get back to full running shape as soon as my body will allow. It is killing me not playing soccer or lifting much. So the more I am able to make it into the gym and get my knees ready, the better. The pain and swelling afterwards is still very present, but I have accepted that I have pushed my body past it's limits and I have to live with that.

Today was pretty simple:

713 Calories / 60 minutes pre-core

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Today was a back/Chest day

Iso-Lateral row- 140

Chest Press machine (press arms together from out at sides) 60

Free weight bench press 80

Cable low row 110

Shoulder bachine (no mf'in clue it had little range of motion and my shoulders are still sore as shit) 45

Lighter day but tomorrow will be fun.

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Three chest lifts, three tricep lifts, shoulder shrugs, ab work, worked in some leg press to get the legs worked a bit, and 3.5 miles on stationary bike.

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Yesterday I did 6 leg lifts and 4 miles on the bike. Also a quick one-time set of pullups and pushups.

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Took yesterday off as I overslept like a dumb fuck. but did manage to walk about 4 miles through my day.

Today was alot better.

Hip adductions and abductions- 90

Seated Calf raises- 140

Seated Leg Curls- 70

Seated Leg Extenstions- 25 on left 20 on right

This is an extremly light leg work out but with a bad right knee I tend to go VERY light.

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managed to get back to my "normal" 3 a week weight system yesterday; definitely feeling it today:

Clean and Jerk

Reps 5 Sets 4

Skull Crushers

Reps 8 Sets 3

Upright Row

Reps 8 Sets 3

Front Raises

Reps 8 Sets 3

Rear Raises

Reps 8 Sets 3

Barbell Curls

Reps 8 Sets 4

Hammer Curls

Reps 8 Sets 3

Concentration Curls

Reps 8 Sets 3

Bench Press

Reps 8 Sets 5

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Yesterday I did 2 bicep lifts, 4 back lifts, 2 shoulder lifts, some ab work, and pullups. Then ran 1.5 miles. I keep forgetting to post these day-of.

Tonight I'm going to go to the gym but just to shoot baskets for an hour or so.

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Walked 2 miles on the treadmill

Managed to kill three birds with one stone by wearing my new Red Wings: helped break in the boots, boots were a nice leg weight, and I got a nice leg workout all in one :lol2:

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Its the 10th for me. Being Saturday all I'mma get in is my 4 miles of walkin around. Monday starts a brand new diet. should be interesting.

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Walked 2.5 miles on black top wearing a wool robe and silcone mask in a parade with the air temp at 94f.

I did sweat a little.

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Did 550 calories on the elliptical, was able to start some light weights.

4 sets of 12:

Straight Shoulder Raises

Forward Shoulder Raises

Side Shoulder Raises

Deadlift / Upright Rows

Incline Chest Press

Bicep curls

Lat Pull Downs

Good work out.

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I guess I forgot to put up my workout yesterday. maybe I'll start naming off my lifts like everybody else does. Though I'm not sure of all the names.

Yesterday I did:

barbell chest press

tricep pulldown

military press with barbell

decline bench

tricep kickbacks

seated fly

over-the-head tricep extension

ab work

5 miles on stationary bike. Does anybody know the gear ratios on those? Like if I do 5 miles on there, how would that number of total revolutions translate to being on the road in a high gear cruising along?

Today i did:


Leg extension

seated leg curl

calf raises with both standing and sitting machines

hack squat

light 45* leg press

light ab work

30 pushups

ran 1.5 miles

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