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BL or Q

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Does anyone have an opinion whether i should get the BL or Q i like loud but also quality i listen to rap house trance..just give me some input if you can i know the Q's are newer model wise but anyway i have a 03 explorer with a pioneer 3200 and a rockford T2500bd so most likely looking at two 15's dual 1 ohm

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Go with the BL's they sound great and get loud really loud.

Most people that get the Q get it cause the first thing they read about is sound quality, then they realize their Q isnt as loud as they thought it would be. Just go with the BL you wont regret it. I know I didnt

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True that bro and what about the ohm obviously i have to get dual 1 ohm if i wana hook up two to a 2500bd..but are the dual 2's any diferent

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Go with the BL's they sound great and get loud really loud.

Most people that get the Q get it cause the first thing they read about is sound quality, then they realize their Q isnt as loud as they thought it would be. Just go with the BL you wont regret it. I know I didnt

True that bro and what about the ohm obviously i have to get dual 1 ohm if i wana hook up two to a 2500bd..but are the dual 2's any diferent

On the Ohm's question, they're not any different, just the difference in impedence.

These questions really get old, but wutang is right, go with the BL you won't regret it. Generally speaking, chances are that in comparison to other subs you've listened to any one of the Fi subs will have better SQ. Now that's a REALLY broad statement, and I DO NOT mean in comparison to any or every sub out there in every case. I'm saying that I'm taking a guess that your listening experience is limited to the run of the mill mainstream brands, and again generally speaking given real world optimal performance the chances are good that the Fi subs will have better overall SQ. This is all a really general statement that I really shouldn't even be making and I'll deservingly get flamed for it, but you just don't normally hear of anyone replacing their Type R's, CVR's or what have you with Fi products in the optimal enclosure, tuning, etc. and complain that the sound is worse. I know it's wrong to generalize this way, but I get tired of the questions, there's a new one of the same thing practically everyday. Q's are generally for people looking for great overall sound that can still get loud, BL's are for people who want to get loud without having to worry about loosing any SQ, basically.

:peepwall: Throw stones if you must, but I'm sure you're all thinking the same thing. :peepwall:

And sorry Rocko, didn't really mean to rant at you, but a simple search would have netted you the same information on many many threads.

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Really though.. lol theres two many of these "BL v Q" threads.. basically, if you're asking, you want a BL!

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I am going for a setup with sealed boxes. I have two sealed boxes that are 2.6 cubic feet per box. I noticed that everyone is saying to go into the direction of the BL line, but I also did not notice anyone say anything about the type of enclosure that will be used. FI claims that the BL was not designed for sealed, so I ordered two fully loaded Q15s. Did I make the right choice or should I have went with the BL instead? I like sound quality, but I also like it to get loud. I am upgrading to these FI subs from two Kicker Comp VX subs. I would assume that either one of these two subs will blow the Kicker sub out of the water, but I am wondering if I went in the right direction on this one.

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BL and a ported enclosure would have been your best bet, but the Q is still a great woofer just won't get as loud.

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Rizzo30... Qs are the only way to go for sealed (in comparison to the BL). Good choice there.

Im Hung N ur Not... that does about sum things up. Qs need a little more attention to setup given the softer suspension and higher Xmax. It is easier to damage them if not dialed in than a BL. BLs have a little more of a buffer/tolerance to being setup incorrectly.

I like the T2500BDs but you WILL need additional subsonic filtering from some other source. The filter on the amp is set to 28Hz and a shallow 12dB per octave. Unless you are tuned to 30, its not going to really do a ton of good for reducing output below tuning and keeping the sub under control.



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why would you wana do that..i can keep it under control my self..why would i wana put a filter on them

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With a ported enclosure you have well... a port. That is basically an open hole of known surface area and length which tunes a box of known volume to a specific frequency.

The resistance of the tuned port is very high above tuning and near/at tuning it resonates increases the amplitude at those frequencies.

Below the tuning it unloads and simply becomes a "hole" in the box. This is a problem as the speaker is now essentially functioning in free air. Not a problem when its below its max limits, but still not yielding appreciable output vs its excursion levels... so why run things so hard for so little output. At the same time, people are often beating on their system HARD when this occurs and when they end up playing a track below tuning things REALLY go wild and unload. This will mechanically damage the speaker due to over excursion. Ripped/torn parts, fatiguing the lead wire... all sorts of bad.

So, we place a sticker on the front of the box telling useful tips on setting up your system... and to me one of the biggest ones (if not the biggest) is to set the subsonic filter properly for ported systems.

This is true of all subs. Not just ours. Now if you have a decent mechanical excursion sub with relatively no Xmax, it isnt as much of a problem simply due to the fact it has little linearity vs the high mechanical excursion. But on most modern subs where Xmax is closer to 75% of mechanical limits... you can power it linear right up to the point where it wants to break itself.

Do yourself and the sub a big favor and set the filter a couple of Hz below tuning. If you are unsure of where that is, err on the side of caution and set it higher than needed. You can eventually back down when things break in and you "know" the system a little better. Learning curves are our friends.



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that sounds good..but im going to have two running off a 2500 so aprox 1250 going in to each one..do i really need an outside source or can the one on the amp be suficient

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Its going to depend on the box you are going to put them in.

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a ported box with the subs facing up ported back..my friend is gona built it for me..dont know exactly what he intends on doing..give me some feedback so i can be on top of him

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what do you think

Double posting is no good ;)

I'd tune at 30-32 hz, I was tuned at 32 hz and it killed the lows and everything in between.


What vehicle do you have? and you're going to want dual 1's so you can wire down to a final load of 1 ohm.

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The filter on the amp is set to 28Hz and a shallow 12dB per octave. Unless you are tuned to 30, its not going to really do a ton of good for reducing output below tuning and keeping the sub under control.



what do you think

Tune your box at around 30hz as suggested by the MAN.

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that sounds good..yea il be getting dual 1ohms..2003 ford explorer with 2500bd and two 15 AA havoc..soon will be double so im shooting for a box with 4 15's

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Who said anything about mixing subs..im getting two 15's now and will eventually get two more..and i know how to take care of speakers i dont think i will need a filter of any sort

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..and i know how to take care of speakers i dont think i will need a filter of any sort

Now i'm not the most knowledgable person here by anymeans, but i'm pretty sure you don't really have a whole lot of control here with the low frequence problem. As a matter of fact, the only way to conrol the frequencies sent to your speakers are filters. So if you tune around 32hz like me and tons of people, that means something like 25 hz could potentially hurt your speaker. Now do you know what 25 hz sounds like off the top of your head? quite personally i don't. But even if you did, does that mean that when that "low" note hits, your gonna crank your volume down and then crank it back up when it's gone? I mean, if you really knew how to take care of a speaker, you would understand the need for a correctly set subsonic filter. I just wouldn't want you back up here posting about how you need a re-cone kit. Nothing sucks more than broken equipment. :fing34:

Edited by Frostedflakejake

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so the filter on the amp would definet help but would getting an additional filter really be necessary?...and where do you get those who sells em i have never seen em.. are we talking about a sound processor

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BTW, a Q will get pretty loud. Maybe a BL will get louder, but it's not like the Q is strictly SQ that can't get loud.

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If your amp has a subsonic filter it should be fine and dandy. But i've never seen the amp and my experience is limited. As far as i know, on every other amp i've ever read about, used, or seen on here on the forums; the onboard subsonic filter was fine for keeping those too low notes out.

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