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Free Enclosure Designs

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Umm buddy, Trevor Komat built that enclosure.


:werd_msword: :werd_msword: :werd_msword: :werd_msword: :werd_msword: :werd_msword:

The second one i could believe, but you're just stealing other people's cred.

Get bent dude.


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Umm buddy, Trevor Komat built that enclosure.

Ha busted!! :ban2:

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WOW, copied and posted same pic also can tell from the garage door in back

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WOW, copied and posted same pic also can tell from the garage door in back

That is what made me think it was Trevor's, and his build style is unique.

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OP get the fuck out of here. And don't think this isn't going to get to SMD either.

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Good looking out Duran.


X2!! Thats :bull:

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Let's give the guy a chance to explain himself here.

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Let's give the guy a chance to explain himself here.

Ok I will take more pictures of my enclosures with my username written in front of it with the date on it from now on.






The black box is the same box as the bare mdf one if you haven't noticed. Please note this is not my best work at all and I have several box builds coming up very soon and I will post lots of pics with my username and date on it. The reason I posted those fake pictures was because I just had pictures of my crappy work that was done several years ago when I was just first getting into box building and I was afraid that if I just posted those I wouldn't get any customers. I just wish I had some pics of previous boxes that I've built for customers because they were some nice looking boxes. Please give me another shot at this and I am sorry for trying to fraud people I should have just put up my original work.... :(

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the level of quality between ^^that^^ box and the other one makes me question if the same person built them.

my suspicions were correct. good job making yourself look really foolish

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I already saw that it wasn't his... (the garage door is so typical ) :peepwall:

(oh and his plan was to first offer free designs and then charge money. ;) )

Edited by kirill007

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Your boxes look like shit and you are a thief, great combination.


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This was an interesting topic, how did I miss this? Again shows why SSA forums has the superior member base. :Doh:

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