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got an old Linear Power amp for my friends system. questions...

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so, i got this Linear Power amp (model 2202) from one of my friends to hook up to my other friends little sub. its 2 channel. and its 11x2. his sub is a little MTX 4500. so its the right amt of power. the amp just looks so old. :ughdunno:

the power, remote, and ground wires are sticking out (connected internally...?) i have searched Google to see if its bridgeable. no luck. only found a little info.


1. is it bridgeable? if so, how? the + and - setup is like this:

[ -

[ +

[ +

[ -

2: is the amp a P.O.S.?

any other important info on this amp? or this brand?

only thing i found was:


more info:

2 x 110W @ 8 ohms (12.5V)

1 x 250W @ 4 ohms bridged

THD: 0.09% (20Hz 20kHz)

S/N Ratio: 95dB

Freq. response: 19Hz-200Hz

Damping Factor: 210/105 (4/2 ohms)

Channel Separation: 75dB

Fuse: External 40A

and heres a thread on one. (that was sold) they were saying that $250 was a crazy low price...


some pics of mine:










Edited by swagger_wagon468

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Hey...that amp is definitely NOT a POS. I don't know the power handling of that MTX sub, but that amp will do way more power that you think it will.

It is bridgeable, if you look inside there is a black switch that should say, "stereo" on one side and "mono" on the other. Flip it to mono and it's bridged.

The center two terminals on the speaker outputs are what you use when running the amp bridged. I don't have one of mine with me so I don't remember which is + and which is -, but you can email Ray at Linear Power and he'll email you a manual.

That amp needs 60amps of fusing, so make sure the electrical system is up to snuff. I think you will be pleasantly surprised at what that amp will do, just make sure you keep it at 4ohms (or higher) when running it in mono or you will burn it up. Linear amps are high voltage, not high current amps, and they don't like low impedance loads.

If you have any more questions, I'd be glad to help, or you can talk directly to Ray by calling TIPS (Linear Power) at 601-932-8477.

Edited by sq_mgb

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Buddy of mine had one of those on 4 Kicker Comp 12s back in the early 90's. I still question why anyone would need more output than that...

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