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Sundown amp question

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Hey everybody, I just purchased a USED SAZ 1k on here. And once i installed it i realized that the blue l.e.d on the amp was not on. I checked the voltage and it was reading over 14v. Checked the grounds, power and it was all fine. I even swapped out the amp with TWO other amps and the others worked fine. (nothing was changed). The amps used were a Sundown 100.2, and Alpine MRP M1000. Now after trying one more time i was messing with the remote wire and saw that the PROTECTION l.e.d would light up from time to time.

So i am guessing that the power l.e.d. is just out which is no big deal, I cannot confirm this because I dont have a working woofer sitting around i can test with.

Also i checked the guts and couldnt find any unusal spots. The ground/power inputs on the guts side is tightly screwed in so that wouldnt cause it. MY guess is the led is just out.

Reason for thread is just wanted to ask the previous owners if they experienced this problem as well.

If anyone has any inputs let me know



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do you have ANY speakers sitting around?

if not pop down to wal-mart buy the cheapest sub they have use it and see if the amp is working then return the sub!


Hook your dmm up to the output of the amp and set it to VAC and see if there ANY output!

if there isn't any output then the amp is screwed!

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Probably should have put this in the Sundown page. But the thing i am wondering about is this. IF the protection led is coming on when i trigger it to, it must be getting power.

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Probably should have put this in the Sundown page. But the thing i am wondering about is this. IF the protection led is coming on when i trigger it to, it must be getting power.

if the protect light is coming on right away when you plug the remote in there is an issue there. the protect light shouldn't be on. the only time I have seen a protect light on is when someone hooks a low low low impedance up to the amp or clips the hell out of an amp! but these are happen during play time right.

the other time when a protect light comes on is when there is an issue with say the fuses or something else is blown!

do you have a dmm?

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If I'm not mistaken, didn't the person on here that sold you that amp say it himself that that the led was broken???

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Yeah Jacob said on some the led just died, nothing wrong with them. You can fix it if you wont, but as long as it powers on and works then your good to go.

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Yeah Jacob said on some the led just died, nothing wrong with them. You can fix it if you wont, but as long as it powers on and works then your good to go.

Thats what I thought? OP, did you not read that part before purchasing or just kinda missed that part?

Orrrr, are you simply trying to figure a way to fix it?

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but he also said that the protect light is coming on... why is that coming on for?

and i think i remember reading a F/S post where the LED was broken!

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Yeah Jacob said on some the led just died, nothing wrong with them. You can fix it if you wont, but as long as it powers on and works then your good to go.

Thats what I thought? OP, did you not read that part before purchasing or just kinda missed that part?

Orrrr, are you simply trying to figure a way to fix it?

No i really dont care if it works or not. The amp has been passed on from Don Gasco to Mead and then to me. I just want to make sure thats the main problem and theres nothing else that is wrong.

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but he also said that the protect light is coming on... why is that coming on for?

and i think i remember reading a F/S post where the LED was broken!

Dont worry about the protection led, i was moving the remote wire in and out and was triggering it. As long as i had it set up it wouldnt come on.

SAME i thought i read that thread also...i am wondering if it was Don Ganso that started it.

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If I'm not mistaken, didn't the person on here that sold you that amp say it himself that that the led was broken???

No, I am the third owner of this amp, if he did it would clear up EVERYTHING.

Ill try to get my hands on a woofer tomorrow and make sure that it is just the l.e.d

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If I'm not mistaken, didn't the person on here that sold you that amp say it himself that that the led was broken???

No, I am the third owner of this amp, if he did it would clear up EVERYTHING.

Ill try to get my hands on a woofer tomorrow and make sure that it is just the l.e.d

Feel free to use the BL to test it, unless re-packaging it is a bitch :D

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Damn bro, i just tested it real quick on my sa-8s i never looked at the lights. if for any reason it dosent work ill take it back and issue full refund. thats just how i am. let me know what you want to do. sorry for any inconvenience.

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As long as the protection led does not stay on and it powers on fine, then the amplifier is fine. If you want the blue status led to work you could send it to db-r for a check up and led replacement.

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If I'm not mistaken, didn't the person on here that sold you that amp say it himself that that the led was broken???

No, I am the third owner of this amp, if he did it would clear up EVERYTHING.

Ill try to get my hands on a woofer tomorrow and make sure that it is just the l.e.d

Feel free to use the BL to test it, unless re-packaging it is a bitch :D

hehe, i might just have to

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Damn bro, i just tested it real quick on my sa-8s i never looked at the lights. if for any reason it dosent work ill take it back and issue full refund. thats just how i am. let me know what you want to do. sorry for any inconvenience.

Ill do some testing with it tomorrow and see, I really dont care if the l.e.d. doesnt light up, just as long as it works.

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Cheese if it is as bright as my 3000.1, that might not be a bad thing. Mine lights up the inside of my truck at night. Looks neat from the outside though.

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*Moved to Sundown Audio section*

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Did some testing with the amp today and it works just fine. Tested it with a Fi BL (sorry brandon) and it works even though the power l.e.d. is burnt out. No biggie, the whole point of this thread was to confirm that it worked. I could care less if its burnt out, as long as it works its fine. Thanks Mead for the post and consideration but it works so i am satisfied.


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