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Wiring Options On Amps

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Well I have 2 3000D'S and the original plan was to strap them and hook them up to my 2 btl's. The problem is that the subs are d2... so if I strap them it will be a .5 ohm load per amp, correct? I've never strapped before so I'm not too sure about the process.

If this is the case and it won't work I would want to hook each amp to each sub individually and would have a 1 ohm load per amp... if I did this how would I set the gains to match eachother?

Also I have plenty of electrical behind these amps... about 800 AH of storage and 6000 CCA along with 2 dc power 250 sps.

Thanks for the help!

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I would think that if you ran the two amps not strapped, a DMM would be able to tell you when they are matched. Although, I've been wrong before. lol :peepwall:

Edited by inkfx

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you could just parallel the coils on the sub to get 1ohm per sub, then run the subs series and get a 2ohm total which would give you 1ohm per amp

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In the sundown section of the forum there is a thread on how to strap the amps together. I have two saz1500s strapped together and its pretty easy to do. You will have a final 2ohm load. I have two d2 Xcons and they wire easy to 2 ohm. No idea on the burning up together part but they are linked together when strapped so probably.


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