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Leon Tan

Would a Fi BL 15 be louder then 2 type R's?

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i was wondering would the Fi Bl 15 in a tuned box be louder in bass then two type r 10's? hmm and what is a good tuning for the Bl 15? 35hz? 32 hz? or 30hz? i was planed on hitting the low lows. were people can here me a block away.. thats why im goin with Fi :woot:

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i was wondering would the Fi Bl 15 in a tuned box be louder in bass then two type r 10's? hmm and what is a good tuning for the Bl 15? 35hz? 32 hz? or 30hz? i was planed on hitting the low lows. were people can here me a block away.. thats why im goin with Fi :woot:

How much power do you have? What do you drive? What do you listen too? Why do you want to annoy people?

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Alpine China chink crap. Compared to quaility built American made and enginered subwoofers you figure that one out :)

Edited by Dictator

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No one will help you if your only goal is to piss people off a few blocks away

Edited by xLogan225x

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Alpine China chink crap. Compared to quaility built American made and enginered subwoofers you figure that one out :)


OP, we don't like to get annoyed by 16 year old high schoolers.

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i was wondering would the Fi Bl 15 in a tuned box be louder in bass then two type r 10's? hmm and what is a good tuning for the Bl 15? 35hz? 32 hz? or 30hz? i was planed on hitting the low lows. were people can here me a block away.. thats why im goin with Fi :woot:

How much power do you have? What do you drive? What do you listen too? Why do you want to annoy people?

1500 watts rms, a 2006 monte carlo, rap... most of the time. and becuse i love hard htting bass :wub:

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Alpine China chink crap. Compared to quaility built American made and enginered subwoofers you figure that one out :)


OP, we don't like to get annoyed by 16 year old high schoolers.

WTF, I am offended FOR phi.

Type R's can get very loud, more so then some "American Made" woofer.

i was wondering would the Fi Bl 15 in a tuned box be louder in bass then two type r 10's? hmm and what is a good tuning for the Bl 15? 35hz? 32 hz? or 30hz? i was planed on hitting the low lows. were people can here me a block away.. thats why im goin with Fi :woot:

How much power do you have? What do you drive? What do you listen too? Why do you want to annoy people?

1500 watts rms, a 2006 monte carlo, rap... most of the time. and becuse i love hard htting bass :wub:

I have loud bass, doesn't mean all I wanna do is bother people?

Who would be building/designing the enclosure. That's where the answer will be.

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im not buliding the system to be any annoy anyone... i live 1/2 a mile away from the city so it wont be any bother to anyone... im buiding a car from nothing but USA made parts... 1 american made sub.. sounds good enough to me...

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That seemed a little out of line Dictastor. :WTFBubble:

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Alpine China chink crap. Compared to quaility built American made and enginered subwoofers you figure that one out :)

No offense but just because a sub is designed in USA doesn't make it good.

I know the one in question isn't the case at all. But I can design a POS sub and market it as Designed in the USA but that doesn't make it great.

I'm not sure the exact orgins of Alpine, but it does have quiet a bit of engineering behind it regardless where they did it at.

Same thing about being Made here... Remember the ShamWow commercial? Made in Germany, you know them germans make good stuff. Which is a joke in itself, but non the less, origin doesn't exactly make the product.

Anybody can make quality and also anybody can make sorry shit.

So just stating them to those details doesn't exactly give facts about either product without knowing first hand or proof.

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Fact: 75% of Americans are practically retards compared to the average person of Asian origin, ESPECIALLY if you have gone through the American school system in the last 17 years (the dark ages for domestic schools), but moving on I think you should find someone with a BL to give you a demo before you grab onto false expectations. Not that the BL won't be louder than those two type R 10s, but maybe you would want to consider two (or a few) Qs or SSDs to get you loud like you seem to want.

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Fact: 75% of Americans are practically retards compared to the average person of Asian origin, ESPECIALLY if you have gone through the American school system in the last 17 years (the dark ages for domestic schools), but moving on I think you should find someone with a BL to give you a demo before you grab onto false expectations. Not that the BL won't be louder than those two type R 10s, but maybe you would want to consider two (or a few) Qs or SSDs to get you loud like you seem to want.

So true, luckily which is a shame really. I am fresh out of high school, no I didn't have a 4.0GPA, but I'll you this. There might have been 20 kids altogether in the whole school I'd trust with a potato gun. Kids are just lacking all common sense and the ability to use their heads.

Two BL 15"s would rock. :D

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im already thinking about to upgrade to 2 Bl 15 fully loaded on a t2500.1 cp... or a sundown 2500 i dont know which is good... i also dont know what i need to up grade on.. i have a redtop right now.

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The biggest XS power battery you can fit up front, and a single D3100 in the back, you should be fine with a stock alt.

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Bro don't listen to haters, If your thinking about 2 10'' type R's, would you consider 2 Fi Bl's?? The BL's will hit harder but only if your set up is professional, electrical , box , amp , etc. and if you cant afford 2 BL's just get 1 BL 18'' fully loaded

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Fact: 75% of Americans are practically retards compared to the average person of Asian origin, ESPECIALLY if you have gone through the American school system in the last 17 years (the dark ages for domestic schools), but moving on I think you should find someone with a BL to give you a demo before you grab onto false expectations. Not that the BL won't be louder than those two type R 10s, but maybe you would want to consider two (or a few) Qs or SSDs to get you loud like you seem to want.

Americans are lazy, truth be told. One reason why we aren't as smart as we should be.

Can't just blame it entirely on the school system. The material is there regardless who is teaching it. We just don't care to learn. We rather know just enough to get by, for a lot of cases.

Still the point he was trying to make was quality vs American. Which China is known in this industry as sub par quality, even though a good percentage comes from there. But I made the point in my post above about that.

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Americans are lazy, truth be told. One reason why we aren't as smart as we should be.


Can't just blame it entirely on the school system. The material is there regardless who is teaching it. We just don't care to learn. We rather know just enough to get by, for a lot of cases.

You can blame the parents not the school systems or the teachers. If they push their kids the right direction it is by far the biggest lever in improving overall education.

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As far as on the actually topic.

Hype R's can get loud, yes. Well, the old ones, I'm not sure about the new ones. But it takes time playing around with different boxes to find the perfect box, before they get loud. Which any sub has the potential to do.

People just automatically think since 10 people made Hype R's loud, its just a loud sub. But that's not the case.

Back in 05-06, when the Hype R movement was strong, they was just loud for the money. Not exactly the loudest. A lot of people used them because of price and they could take a quiet a bit of power over rated and produced a good number. But today, there are other subs in its price range that would better. Quality and SPL and even SQ IMO.

My thoughts on the BL, I love them. I've had a good deal of hands on time with a 15 a few years ago, I loved the sound it reproduced, and it also got loud. I did a 147dB @ 52hz IIRC with a 15, Sundown 1500d at 1ohm, with stock electrical in a 2000 Honda Accord two door, in the trunk. Nothing special, just a aero ported box tuned to 40hz. Tuning to 35hz, I only lost 1.5dB. So that wasn't bad for a daily box.

Moral of story, loudness is in the install. You can buy the best sub and amp in the world, and stick them in a prefab box and still be quite.

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Americans are lazy, truth be told. One reason why we aren't as smart as we should be.


Can't just blame it entirely on the school system. The material is there regardless who is teaching it. We just don't care to learn. We rather know just enough to get by, for a lot of cases.

You can blame the parents not the school systems or the teachers. If they push their kids the right direction it is by far the biggest lever in improving overall education.

You can't put all the blame on parents either. They are really only responsible until the kids gets over a certain age. Then its all on the kid if they want to learn or not. At the end of the day, people here, can only blame their selves for the most part. A few exceptions, but as a whole its all on you.

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I was more or less defending the offended person taking the high road by pointing out that a lot of people out there call the kettle black alllllllll day long...

But as far as education goes, or life even for that matter, its supremely important to have a whip behind you, so long as its making you a higher functioning thus more greatly contributing member of society. I bet that 75% (same %- coincidence?) of Americans would disagree and say that strict upbringing and parental coercion don't help. That's why America is #36 and Japan is #3 and Finland is #1. (by education)

Laziness, combined with distraction, and a general lethargy for anything non-stimulating don't help matters; no argument there. Youth is wasted on the young, and that holds truer here than anywhere.

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I was more or less defending the offended person taking the high road by pointing out that a lot of people out there call the kettle black alllllllll day long...

But as far as education goes, or life even for that matter, its supremely important to have a whip behind you, so long as its making you a higher functioning thus more greatly contributing member of society. I bet that 75% (same %- coincidence?) of Americans would disagree and say that strict upbringing and parental coercion don't help. That's why America is #36 and Japan is #3 and Finland is #1. (by education)

Laziness, combined with distraction, and a general lethargy for anything non-stimulating don't help matters; no argument there. Youth is wasted on the young, and that holds truer here than anywhere.

I guess I'm in the 25% where I believe it does help. But I do think there is a line that needs to be drawn.

I'm going to give a example. I was at a little family get together last weekend, for memorial day. There was this 4 year old girl, and her mama there. So before the mama fixed the girls plate, she gave her a Carpri Sun drink. Well, she drank it all before she started eating. Mind you this thing is like 8oz. Well the girl started eating, and the BBQ sauce was a little spicy, so the girl went up to her mama and asked for something else to drink. She asked properly, please and ect. The mama said "No, you already had your drink and your not getting anymore." And the girl said "my mouth is burning, and its hurting." Mama still said "Your not getting anything, so go back and finish eating." So the girl walked back to the table and tried to finish eating.

This really pissed me off, and right time the mama went in the other room, I got the little girl a drink. I mean, that was just pure meanness IMO. I could see in a different situation maybe denying the girl something to drink, but spicy food at dinner? Just didn't seem right to me. That's why I think their should be a line drawn on strictness. To a point, it just becomes mean, instead of helping the kids.

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Yea thats cruelty right there... granted capri sun isn't the best beverage but if she wanted another drink what's the harm in a little water? I woulda been pissed too...

I meant good parents who are strict about their kids doing their best in school and who teach kids to do everything balls out... there's no room for half-assing in the real world. The sooner you learn that success takes all your effort and the things you enjoy come second (including sleep), the better off you are in life

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I have an Fi Q 15 in a sealed box in my trunk with 1000 watts, my buddy went out and bought a brand new system to be louder than me and with 2 12" type rs in a ported box, port for each sub not shared, and he had 500 watts going into each sub and his system still wasnt louder than mine, and mine was sealed!!

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