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When i turn on my amp, it makes a very high pitch sound, so what could it be or any suggestions

Amp is a rf t1500-1bd, subs are 10 chaos, hu- jvc

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Amp or speakers actually make the noise? Does it stick around? Describe it...

More info would be helpful.

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i think its the amp, because ive put my hear in each speaker, and its the amp, and it stays when its on, ofcourse, when i crank the volume, you cant hear it, but if you lower it, i can hear it, its not loud, its just that the amp is almost behind my hear when siiting, since its on a single cab, sometimes the noice would be less loud, but still there, would a RCA filter do something??

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There's a SSA noise guide somewhere. I'll find it later. If you unplug the rca's does the noise go away?

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No problem. If it does go away, it's somewhere in your h/u or rca's. If it stays then it's the amp like you thought. Also, does it mirror your rpm or is it constant? (like if you're driving and smash on the gas does it get higher pitched?)

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If its coming from the amp itself, you probably have a component beginning to die inside of the amp itself...

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