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Ok So I really need some HELP!!

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Also I know Grand Prix's have big trunks, but I would utilize more of my backseat are for those 4-12"s your gonna wanna use. Putting that much power to subs in trunk without it being sealed off and firing forward will be a waste. All that pressure will not escape that trunk area in time. I would to find away to use that rear deck and back seat area to make an efficient box so you can get the most from your system. Its not about the equipment, its all about the install. Sure equipment plays a role but if you dont give it the proper install it wont perform to optimal or full potential. Just a thought to help you slow down and think, being loud is not about buying and placing all the equipment you can. 3-12"s wiill be louder and sound better with the right amount of airspace to perform in the 4-12"s cramped.

Thanks bro

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That was beautiful man. That's what I would have liked to hear from the rest. You have my respect man. But since I have most of the equipment, I'll still try it, and your absolutely right, the cadence sensitivity are much higher than the kickers, I thought about a way I'd run those separately, and gain match them with other mids. Rear deck is mainly for show, since I got speakers for bargain. But if all fails, Ill definitely be hitting you up with questions and ideas you may have for suggestion. Thanks again

No problem man, some people just dont understand and never will until they look outside the box and understand everyone wants different goals and have different tastes. There are plenty of ways of going about meeting your goals, im not saying your going the wrong or right way (its just cheaper and easier ways as well). Since you have the gear then go ahead with your plans. The only thing I can warn you about is cutting up all those panels will only require you replace them all if you change your route in the future, I had to do that and what a PITA.

Any questions or comments or suggestions on anything just PM me, I dont mind helping or at least giving some of my abnormal advice.

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