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You had a problem with this AQ amp, but don't tell people AQ is not good and to not buy their products !!!

I have never used any of their product, but I tried to !! AQ was "very professional" with me. They quickly answered me back : "no local (for me) AQ repair center, so no shipping to my country". First I did not like this answer, but I started to appreciate it later ! They look serious !

Until that day, I use Sundown amps with no problem at all so far !!!

I have since bought 7 Sundown amps, and no failure, I cross my fingers !!!


I wish my experience was as professional as yours. My real problem is not with the amp. I would not have said a word if they just replaced my amp or repaired mine and sent me on my way. That's not how it happened though, so I'm not happy with them as a whole.

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umm... off topic but how are you listening to this setup? AFAIK 15yr olds cannot drive cars ... you sitting in the driveway bumping this system? lol

I was driving legally at the age of 14 in Detroit, MI.

On topic: I had an amp tested locally and it was in fact broken.. I sent it back to the manufacture, they claimed it worked perfect.. sent the amp back to me and it work perfect.

Just because someone runs a business does not mean they don't lie in favor of the company. :fing34:

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Having it shipped back to me for $20. If it works when I get it back, something's up. I'm going to be happy if it does work, but I know for a fact it didn't work when I originally had it. Stay tuned, I'll let everybody know once it comes in.

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If it works when it gets back, which most likely will, then why are you still complaining about it? I don't get it, do you just want the company to admit it was their fault, just to make you feel better? Sounds a bit immature to me IMHO.

You know how win you get into arguements with your gf, and you know shes wrong, but she won't admit, so you continue to push her and push her to try and get her to admint she was wrong, just to make you feel better, even when you already know the answer. Thats not mature at all, and is the act of selfishness.

So the point I'm tryna make here, is don't bash a company just because you didn't get the answer you were looking for, just be happy that you have a fine piece of an equipment that works. If you want to look at it another way, they could have charge you more money just to repair it, plus shipping. Now, which method would you have prefer?

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If it works when it gets back, which most likely will, then why are you still complaining about it? I don't get it, do you just want the company to admit it was their fault, just to make you feel better? Sounds a bit immature to me IMHO.

You know how win you get into arguements with your gf, and you know shes wrong, but she won't admit, so you continue to push her and push her to try and get her to admint she was wrong, just to make you feel better, even when you already know the answer. Thats not mature at all, and is the act of selfishness.

So the point I'm tryna make here, is don't bash a company just because you didn't get the answer you were looking for, just be happy that you have a fine piece of an equipment that works. If you want to look at it another way, they could have charge you more money just to repair it, plus shipping. Now, which method would you have prefer?

No, I want them to pay me the $70+ dollars it cost me to ship it to them and back to me.

If handled professionally, they would have reimbursed my cost of shipping it to them as well as ship it back to me free. I could care less whether or not they admitted they had made a mistake. It seems low that they don't just admit a problem instead of making me pay for it. If I was reimbursed for shipping costs, I would have absolutely no problem with the company.

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If it works when it gets back, which most likely will, then why are you still complaining about it? I don't get it, do you just want the company to admit it was their fault, just to make you feel better? Sounds a bit immature to me IMHO.

You know how win you get into arguements with your gf, and you know shes wrong, but she won't admit, so you continue to push her and push her to try and get her to admint she was wrong, just to make you feel better, even when you already know the answer. Thats not mature at all, and is the act of selfishness.

So the point I'm tryna make here, is don't bash a company just because you didn't get the answer you were looking for, just be happy that you have a fine piece of an equipment that works. If you want to look at it another way, they could have charge you more money just to repair it, plus shipping. Now, which method would you have prefer?

No, I want them to pay me the $70+ dollars it cost me to ship it to them and back to me.

If handled professionally, they would have reimbursed my cost of shipping it to them as well as ship it back to me free. I could care less whether or not they admitted they had made a mistake. It seems low that they don't just admit a problem instead of making me pay for it. If I was reimbursed for shipping costs, I would have absolutely no problem with the company.


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E-mailed and called today with no luck. I'll try again tomorrow.

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Amp has been shipped.. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You guys can track it with me! :dancing:

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I can't wait till tomorrow... The suspense is killing me!

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I can't wait till tomorrow... The suspense is killing me!


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Did you ask for reimbursement for shipping?

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Yep, they put it off because "nothing was wrong with the amp." Oh well :ughdunno:

I just hope it works this time..

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Yep, they put it off because "nothing was wrong with the amp." Oh well :ughdunno:

I just hope it works this time..


It will work, don't worry, their not gna send you a broken amp lol

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Yep, they put it off because "nothing was wrong with the amp." Oh well :ughdunno:

I just hope it works this time..


It will work, don't worry, their not gna send you a broken amp lol

I'm prayin it does!! Let's hope :drink40:

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Got the amp back today and everything seems to be working fine! :twirl::bananaDance::rockwoot::partybanana::djparty::slayer::dance:

Unfortunately, they forgot to include the remote gain knob.. Damn it! I e-mailed Michael and asked for it back.

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