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15" BTL box size

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Alright, im kind of tossing the idea around between two setups in the trunk of my Crown Vic.

Setup one is (1) FI BTL N2 18" in 7 cubic feet net tuned to 32hz.

Setup two is (2) FI BTL N2 15s in 8 cubic feet net tuned to 32hz.

Here is my problem and question, the first setup with the single BTL will slide right in my trunk with no issues using the box design and cut sheet posted on this forum for it, but the second setup is the issue. Can I run the BTL 15s in a smaller box than 4 cubic feet net each and still get optimal performance? Id like to shrink the box and bump up the tuning to 34-35hz if thats possible.

3 to 3.5 cubic feet per sub would be a much easier fit for me in my car, but wasnt sure the BTLs would like a box that small daily on music.

Plans are a Crescendo 5500 for the 15s so about 2500 RMS daily, no comps just music. The single 18" would get a Audiopipe 3k @ 2 ohms.

Would I just be better with the 18" or can I go with a smaller box on the 15s?

Any input is greatly appreciated thanks.

Edited by tez4life

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The 15's have more cone area and power handling, but the difference in cone area isn't enough to make an audibel difference. In my opinion its going to come down to your electrical. 5.5kw is a lot of power and the electrical required to support it won't be cheap. Don't get me wrong 3kw is going to need some substantial upgrades as well, but it should be less expensive than supplying enough power to push 5.5kw.

I think you would be plenty happy with the two 15s on 3kw if you're not competing. You won't hear much a difference between the 3k and 5.5k

Edited by Luke.H

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The 15's have more cone area and power handling, but the difference in cone area isn't enough to make an audibel difference. In my opinion its going to come down to your electrical. 5.5kw is a lot of power and the electrical required to support it won't be cheap. Don't get me wrong 3kw is going to need some substantial upgrades as well, but it should be less expensive than supplying enough power to push 5.5kw.

I think you would be plenty happy with the two 15s on 3kw if you're not competing. You won't hear much a difference between the 3k and 5.5k

Electrical was never an issue as ive put considerable thought into the requirements of both setups, but the single 18" would be alot easier on my electrical. Friend of mine did (2) BTL 15s on a RD D9 (5k) in his 02 Crown Vic and it was nuts.

Honestly, the single 18" is looking like the better choice due to the box requirements, id rather run the single sub off a good bit of power in its optimal box as appose to cramming the 15s in a box thats too small for them to perform like I want.

Guess the path is clear, lol. Thanks for the reply though, :)

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