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Hzd Skizzy

Just Joined a Gym and need Some Advice.

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I think it's based on a point system. Im guessing if yo exceed 62 you automatically gain all points for that section?

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Strange but do as many push ups as possible then do sit ups run or what ever then do more push ups then sit ups then just do as many as possible for one day then the next day do the same or even slowly go down then roLl over and get on your knees and do girl push ups

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Look up the APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test) to see how we get graded. You can see the tables that break it down barney style for whats worth what.


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Look up the APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test) to see how we get graded. You can see the tables that break it down barney style for whats worth what.


I found it, it really helps.

From Hardest to easiest: Pushups, 1.5m run, Situps

Then i need to lose over 70 pounds so I need to turn everything around right now.

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Look up the APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test) to see how we get graded. You can see the tables that break it down barney style for whats worth what.


I found it, it really helps.

From Hardest to easiest: Pushups, 1.5m run, Situps

Then i need to lose over 70 pounds so I need to turn everything around right now.

Pushups- WITHOUT allowing your hand to leave the ground (ie finertips) keeps hands flat-ish and fingers damn near 100% touching. 'Squeeze' your hand (think around the inner palm areas where the main joints are) like you are grabbing a boob on the way down, press hand flat on the way up. Works diff parts of the forearms. Also exparament with arm positioning. The further out your hands are, the less 'travel' between locked out and past parallel.

Run- Just visualize something else and try and keep solid pace. Singing out loud (look up cadence at 'double time') can REALLY help you keep pace.

Situps- focus on using your abs. Contrary to popular belief situps primarily work the hip flexor muscles which are on the top of your legs where the femur meets the hip.


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