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"What Hurts The Most" Bass Remix?

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Does anybody have this? It was semi popular right after the song came out few years ago, and I've lost it over time.

For those who don't know its, Rascal Flatts- What Hurts the Most.

I'm not 100% if its boosted, or a whole new bassline, I can't remember.

So if anybody thinks they have it, will you please upload it somewhere I can download it? Or a link to somewhere that has it already? I haven't searched really hard for it yet, figured I'd post and give this a try.

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i dont have it but just listened to it on youtube. It's just boosted...

I'll make it myself and see if you like it.

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whatttttt. i didnt know there was ever ANY country song out there that was boosted lol. wow

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ok it's done, give me a few minutes for the link

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See, I listened to the one on youtube, and couldn't decide if that was how the bassline was or not. I'd have to listen to it in a car to determine either way. I'll download it and let you know though.

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here you go, let me know if it's like u wanted...


Thanks man!

EDIT: Thanks but MAJOR clipping.

Damnit! you are right.. i forget to fix that.. let me fix it, thanks...

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Im going to try this one tomorrow, I asked Decaf to remix a Red Hot Chili Peppers but the songs clip too much I think he said.

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well.. there are 2 kinds of clipping when doin music like this.

1- audible clipping

2- measurable clipping

I can always remove measurable clipping so it doesn't put excessive wear on the equipment but audible clipping is tricky.

Audible clipping is subjective too....

My tastes may be different than others....

Of course my goal isn't to make every song sound like all out heavy metal, grunge, distortion, etc.... but if i complete a song.. then to me, it sounds fine when played in a bass-heavy install.

I have listened to the music i have in car audio, home theater and bass-heavy headphones so i have 3 different environments i know what to expect..

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over and over by tim mcgraw and nelly has some nice bass to it.

Another one

If I was a drinking man - Neal McCoy

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I can modify songs 2. ive done a good share. I don't slow them down I just make them hit at a lower frequency and louder

I can slow them down and enhance them.

I was given advise to really only slow down songs that desperately need it if you really want to enjoy the song.

so the majority i do now are either not slowed or slightly slowed.

I also like to take many songs and add custom bass lines in them.

This method takes several hours but i have a long list of songs available here i've done that way too.

Look for Jay-C76 too.. He's learned how to do it with the same software I use. I need to get some of his songs too so we can both share.

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over and over by tim mcgraw and nelly has some nice bass to it.

I'm not just looking for a country song with bass.

I actually have memories with the Rascal Flatts song, and I'd rather listen to one with good bass than one without.

A lot of times, my brain selects a song to go with memories, and when I listen to that song again, its like I can really remember whatever it was.

Wish I could put together all the songs that have more distinct memories. But for the most part, i can only remember the song if I hear it. So unless I replay every song I've ever heard, and take notes, I'd never figure them out.

Does anybody do this? Or am I just that weird?

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Pretty sure that is normal. :drink40:

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yeah thats normal. that song brings back memories to me to. not good memories but memories all the same. Listening to Eamon's "i don't want u back" helped me get over ex's

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yeah that's normal. that song brings back memories to me to. not good memories but memories all the same. Listening to Eamon's "i don't want u back" helped me get over ex's

Oh yeah, I have also. That was a damn good song. Stupid as hell sorta but I'm sure it helped A LOT of people.

I'm pretty sure most people on this forum is mainly a fan of music, then that's why we get into car audio.

You know people ask random questions like if you could choose to keep either your eyes or ears, which one would you choose. And I think I'm in the low percentage where I don't know if I could live without sound.

Thing about it, your eyes don't exactly help you hear, but your ears help you see. Actually, if you can't see, you can hear a lot more cause that's your more focused on that one sense. But if you can't hear, it doesn't help you see better.

But memories, I actually store them in all kinds of things. Sounds, clothing, smells(I can't think of another way to describe this at the moment.), and all sorts of things. Its amazing how we do that, and usually is forgotten until presented with whatever it is.

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Shiz - What software do you use? Just curious :) I play around in that realm more than i do much of anything else :)

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I use Audacity, but I only fool around with it when I'm bored.

I've always wanted to do my own versions of songs, just never got around to it.

Also, does anybody have Alan Jackson- The Blues Man slowed? I'm talking about the version Loyd(Bigbassman?) Made. **This was my favorite slowed country song(one of my favorite country songs actually)

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Shiz - What software do you use? Just curious :) I play around in that realm more than i do much of anything else :)

I use Audacity for basic things but Goldwave for everything else.

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