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Battery Terminal Help

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The other day I notice my voltage meter running a little low while driving but didn't follow up and a day ago I wake up for work and guess what not even the fuel pump comes on the battery was so dead and after a good hard look I find that my new terminal for my positive post isn't really clamping tightly so I wanted to ask as to what kind of gear people are using and are happy with. By the by I had this hooked up click here thanks for any advise. Btw I have top post on a red top yes I know I said red top but its what I had on hand until I get a different bat.

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I got these fromaudioanonymous283257_1792575346418_1600682969_3102869_5002686_n.jpg

Edited by grandprixpunch

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how much for those terminals GrandPrix? They look great but if its a good amount then i may go copper lug which is where I was about to go until you showed up with those. However I may or may not feel completely comfortible with those under hood I just dont want the hood grounding ;p

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Most hoods offer plenty of room, my current battery is 2-3 full inches taller than what it calls for an I've stacked up another inch of terminals on top of that, no issues whatsoever. If you're looking for a secure, economical solution, solid copper lugs (ring terminals) will work great, not as pretty as custom machined aluminum but less chance that a wire will come loose and short out.

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yeah its not a huge concern being that there should be clearance but man those blocks look awesome can't wait for grandprix to get back to me about the price.

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Hit up Audioanonymous or Toolmaker as they are actually the guys who build this kind of stuff and can get you a quote quickly. I just ordered a set of aluminum dual inputs from Toolmaker this morning.

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260407_1695538880567_1600682969_3020247_4857100_n.jpgaudioanonymous is da man! I also have daul amp inputs so I have a steady 2 runs into the amp...

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Nice items for a clean install!!

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I gotta re-do my wires, Audiosavings ran out of red 0 gauge at the time, I will get more after the storm!!!

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