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Amp for incriminator 6.5's

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So I bought a set of these. Just wondering what peoples opinions would be on a amp thats roughly 75x2 (figured that cus it seems like it'd be more common that 85x2).

Size isn't really a problem. Looking to spend 50-100$. Know thats not that much but really just want something better than running them off the head unit.

So what do you guys think?

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I use a sundown 125.2 for mine. A little out of your price range but you can get them new for 205

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I just sold a Soundstream Picasso 75x2 that would have fit your budget perfectly. :suicide-santa: You could look for one of those, here are a couple more options in your price range.

I have the older model of this one here and it works well and has lasted a good while. http://www.audiosavings.com/products/2-channel-Car-Amplifier/NEW-US-AMPS-XT800.2-V3-800-WATT-2-CHANNEL-CAR-AMPLIFIER/XT800.2+V3N.aspx

This is the next size up from the one I just sold and is 110 x 2 for under $100. http://www.audiosavings.com/products/2-channel-Car-Amplifier/NEW-SOUNDSTREAM-PCX2.350-2-CHANNEL-CAR-AMPLIFIER-AMP/PCX2.350.aspx

This kicker is nice but is $115. http://www.audiosavings.com/products/2-channel-Car-Amplifier/KICKER-08DX300.2-CLASS-D-2-CHANNEL-AMPLIFIER-DX300.2/08DX300.2.aspx

These are just a few that I found on one site within a few minutes, you might be able to find something more to your liking if you look around a bit. Good luck finding what you're looking for, I have a couple more nice 2 channels but they are a little out your stated budget.

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You can find multiple amplifiers to fit your needs, just did a search on woofersetc.com and sonicelectronix.com that will do. You can always find a 4 channel amp and bridge it to give your more power so you can have some headroom if need be.

Here is an amp in your price and power range as well, this would be a steal:

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