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DC Level 4 and XL together?

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I have a dc level 4 12 with level 5 dual 1.4 coils and a xl 12 with dual 2 coils. I am wandering if i can wire them together and have them in the same box? If so what would the ohm load be when wired together?

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Indeed, not a good idea.

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Or if i get a recone kit for one of them, are they close enough to run them together?

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No, completely different motors.

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You can do it, it would work. The final impedance will be whatever you choose to wire too.

Additionally, no matter what anyone tells you, they won't fight each other (as long as you are above system resonance). Some of the most expensive speakers in the world put different size woofers (10" and 12" for example) in a common enclosure.

Above resonance, they work in tandem, even if one is dissconnected... If one is getting 1/2 the power of the other, they still work in tandem, you just loose output. The higher power driver doesn't fight against the lower powered one...

Is it a good idea? Probably would yield better results if they did not share a common airspace... All else being equal...

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Ok so if i have them in 2 separate enclosures or maybe one that is divided and if i get them both wired to 1 ohm and then wired them together at .5 ohm, they would do ok. And they both have a rms of 1500. Would they sound ok?

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Well, if one is 1.4 ohms per coil, it can be wired to .7 ohms or 2.8 ohms.

If the other is 2 ohms per coil it can be wired to 1 ohm or 4 ohms.

You could wire them togther for about .4 ohms or about 1.8ish respectively, keeping power similarly distrubuted.

Additionally, are these impedance ratings you listed or DCR you checked yourself? Those two things are different....

Either way, it would sound fine if you build the box(s) right (big if here) and wire everything up right...

Or just save yourself a possible headache and get matching drivers....

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You can do it, it would work. The final impedance will be whatever you choose to wire too.

Additionally, no matter what anyone tells you, they won't fight each other (as long as you are above system resonance). Some of the most expensive speakers in the world put different size woofers (10" and 12" for example) in a common enclosure.

Above resonance, they work in tandem, even if one is dissconnected... If one is getting 1/2 the power of the other, they still work in tandem, you just loose output. The higher power driver doesn't fight against the lower powered one...

Is it a good idea? Probably would yield better results if they did not share a common airspace... All else being equal...

Expensive does not meen good these days.

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Sorry, should have phrased as some of "the best"


And the marking jargon makes it sound like it is a common space, but I have seen one open.... It is a common space, lol....

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Thanks guys. Once I get enough posts one will be on here fst

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If anyone is interested in one or both of these subs just message me and I'll give you the details

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