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i fell off.. i gained every lbs i lost..

so lets start again. this is my third day of eating right and bike riding.

well start off with todays weight.

shirt paints shoes wallet and cell phone\

11/3/11 448

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Update sir?

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not going well at all.. i hope to Re-start in the new year!

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im hoping to start next year also. i gained 20 pounds in 6 moths :suicide-santa:

Edited by XxedgarxX

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If you need any help sir, PM me, or heck we as a group can help out.

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If you need any help sir, PM me, or heck we as a group can help out.

+1 me too homie. I eat all day long and am losing lbs fast. You would like it.

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well im back at it.

monday 1-2-12 451LBs

so far, day one, breakfast nothing,

lunch quick Turkey sandwich mustard only whole wheat. (busy day.

dinner chicken breast white rice, and Brussels sprouts

snack i had to i was hungry an orange and 1 cup milk.

day two,

breakfast special K breakfast bar and water

lunch salad, lettuce mushrooms, carrots, eggs, pickles, a few croutons with light dressing

dinner chicken breast white rice, corn broccoli cauliflower carrots

spent 160 bucks on nothing fatty or high in calories on Sunday.. went back today and loaded up on fresh fruits and veggies, along with some low calorie snacks for when its needed, cause damn sometimes i need something crunchy or sweet or salty.. so rice cakes and what nots.

i divided them up into little baggies of the serving sizes, and wrote on the bags how many calories is in it along with fat content, i figured if its bagged up i have to look at the intake value, and when the bag is gone im done!!

im gonna take vic pics tonight so that i can keep track of my self.. its not an option now. time to do it to it once again.l

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CARBS are much more evil than FAT. stay away from any carbs you dont get from veggies.

bread, rice, potatoes, corn should be kept to a minimum. you need some carbs but not much especially if your eating lots of veggies.

for breakfast have a couple eggs rather than a bowl of cereal. if your on the run for lunch, get a couple doublestacks of double cheeseburgers and take the bun off. or even one side of the bun.

leave the fries and coke for a reward on saturday if you did well through the week.

eat lots of protein!!!

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do you have netflix? look for the documentory called "Fathead" you will like this diet plan.

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do you have netflix? look for the documentory called "Fathead" you will like this diet plan.

i no longer have net flix.

rice and croutons,special k bars have been my only carb intakes, tons of veggies and fruit so far.

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some guys on here will disagree im sure but i would even cut that stuff out if possible. carbs=suger. suger=bad.

a piece of whole grain bread with dinner and toast for breakfast is ok.

Fruit is high in suger also, i would limit it to lunch and breakfast only.

just my 2 cents

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Here is the guys channel. its kinda boring if your not interested in it.

there is about 7 or 8 small clips that make up the whole movie.

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some guys on here will disagree im sure but i would even cut that stuff out if possible. carbs=suger. suger=bad.

a piece of whole grain bread with dinner and toast for breakfast is ok.

Fruit is high in suger also, i would limit it to lunch and breakfast only.

just my 2 cents

carb does not equal sugar

Sugar is a bad carb because it digests quickly, but there are good carbs. Good carbs can be found in oats, whole grains, beans and fruits.

Fruits do contain sugar but if eaten in its natural state it contains pulp and fiber which slow down digestion, thus nullifying the effect of the sugar.

Quick digesting carbs, such as sugar and starch (white potato), are bad because they spike insulin production and actually cause blood sugar to drop below baseline after digested. Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) is that dizzy feeling you get when you are really hungry.

Continually spiking you insulin can cause you to become insensitive to it over a long time, which is diabetes. High insulin will also cause you to store more fat.

The glycemic index is a great tool to determine the quality of carb in a food. It rates foods based on how fast they digest, lower being better.

Keeping the foods below 60 on the GI consistently should be a good guideline to follow.

I highlighted beans because they are high in protein, good carbs, and good fat. Plus, they fill you up with relatively little food.

I just got back from Guatemala (spent 8 days) where all i ate were beans and meat, lost 5 pounds of fat and kept all my muscle.

I am now a believer in beans lol

Edited by trod2902

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i posted before i saw that video and im relieved that nothing i said contradicts them lol

i should clarify that some fruits are worse than others. The glycemic index is useful for comparing and determining which are better.

Edited by trod2902

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bean... well im on the fence. they have goods and bads. fruits are good, but like i said you shouldnt eat them late in the day.

you would be surprised how many healthy cereals have a GI of far higher than 60. cheerios for one is rated at 70. wheat, oats, seeds, grains were never a staple food for any mammal. a bird maybe

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a never said use just one of those foods as a staple, they are good choices for maintaing a steady blood sugar but a variety is needed in diet.

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day three,

special K breakfast bar pear & water

lunch salad, lettuce tomato hard boiled egg pickles croutons mushroom grilled chicken

dinner salad, lettuce tomato hard boiled egg pickles croutons cubed ham

and a smoothy made from fresh raspberries 1 banana 1/2 cup of non fat yogurt and 1/2 cup of milk.

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Way to go, I eat tons of pickles when I diet.

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Good job man!

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Good job man!

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Good job man...I hope to get back on track soon!

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Keep it goin Jon!!!

Its not easy, but taking food with you for small meals can REALLY help.


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day 5 breakfast -

lunch salad, with everything as normal.

dinner lean pork chop, fresh steamed broccoli white rice

stationairy bike ride dressed in hooded sweat shirt and sweat pants it about 70 outside. so i got a good sweat on.

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