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Truck setup help

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I have a 2011 extended cab chevy silverado and plan on taking out the back seats and doing a box and keeping it under the back window and was wondering what the best setup would be. I will be running around 2-3k watts havent decided on amp yet but that will be the power range. My main questions are what will be best to do 4 15s or 8 12s or one 18 and also which way to fire the subs and the port. Any input or suggestions would be great thanks!

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If you're wanting to do 4 15's I doubt you're going to have enough space for the needed volume.

I have a 17 cube box (walled), quadruple front baffle and with having room for batteries and amps, it's real tight in there.

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I have a 2011 extended cab chevy silverado and plan on taking out the back seats and doing a box and keeping it under the back window and was wondering what the best setup would be. I will be running around 2-3k watts havent decided on amp yet but that will be the power range. My main questions are what will be best to do 4 15s or 8 12s or one 18 and also which way to fire the subs and the port. Any input or suggestions would be great thanks!

8 12s is a LOT different than one 18... If you're looking to keep the box below window level you're not gonna have a ton of room to work with after batteries, amplifiers, and room for wiring (and any other small thing you may run into).

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Subs up. Port side. and sometimes less is more when it comes to cone surface area.

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Wasn't this already asked on CACO?

He probably wants more than one forum's opinion, no problem with that since Im not on caco.com .

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lol 8 12s or 1 18.

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Subs up. Port side. and sometimes less is more when it comes to cone surface area.

So that's the best sub/port layout for a truck? Ever? Sweet.

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Subs up. Port side. and sometimes less is more when it comes to cone surface area.

So that's the best sub/port layout for a truck? Ever? Sweet.

not for any truck, no. for his truck, thats where I would start. silverados/sierras in my experience love this.

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