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Julian is mostly right.. I have done the calculations on this.

IT is cheaper to get 16v AND be able to put out more VA on 16v than 12v, but requires a lot of weight and space.

Big vehicles do not have this problem so it's ideal in this situation.

IMO its really not worth it.. why have 6 batteries when 4 12v batteries will suffice?

Then you have to invest in an ext regulated alt, bracket, regulator, etc etc..

Rather than a single alt + some big batteries.

That would far exceed what I've spent on my 12v setup.

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Julian is mostly right.. I have done the calculations on this.

IT is cheaper to get 16v AND be able to put out more VA on 16v than 12v, but requires a lot of weight and space.

Big vehicles do not have this problem so it's ideal in this situation.

IMO its really not worth it.. why have 6 batteries when 4 12v batteries will suffice?

Then you have to invest in an ext regulated alt, bracket, regulator, etc etc..

Rather than a single alt + some big batteries.

That would far exceed what I've spent on my 12v setup.

There are some elements you are leaving out sir. If I was to get the same power I will be getting from this 16v system, on a 12v system, I will still be spending more money on the amplifier, whereas in this scenerio, I am spending more money on the electrical, so where again is the real savings?

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Good luck with it, looks too involved for my personal vehicle. Hope it turns out how you want.

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the only legit arguments about 16volt setups is cost but when that doesnt play a factor into what you want to do then yes 16v is the way to go. The amps will run stout and you get more power from your current amp situation.

Is it hard to do a 16 volt setup properly? yes. but what about car audio is really easy?

It call comes down to the OP and his goals and skills and desire to get done what is needed to be right. I ran 16v in my van daily and had no issues two alt setup with tons of sexiness.

NO matter what happens people will always disagree with what someone else does but it all comes down to what YOU want to do. IMO you are on the right track.

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Thanks for the kind words David. I really never expected to get so much negative feedback from running 16v....

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Thanks for the kind words David. I really never expected to get so much negative feedback from running 16v....

It's not like there wasn't a reason why I was against you going with a 16v setup. But do what you like. Most of my friends who have ran 16v setups have always switched back to a 12v setup again. But just Fwiw.

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Guys clamped 9xxx watts out of an IA40.1 on a 16v setup. That's an amp that's rated for 900@4ohm.

If you run usaci, you'll most likely be limited on voltage and battery quantity depending on your class so 12v is typically the way to go.

Amp like DD M4a are tanks on 12v and some people have gotten close 9k out of them on 12v.

Amps typically run more efficient on 16v(if they can) but if you're really pushing them, its puts a lot of strain on the amp.

I like the idea of a 14v setup but again you're limited on AH....

I've seen the BC5500's do nasty shit on 16v, Javier's van was ridiculous to say the least lol. I will say you'll need a few more if you plan on running those @.25

Looking forward to you actually getting loud cheezy

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Guys clamped 9xxx watts out of an IA40.1 on a 16v setup. That's an amp that's rated for 900@4ohm.

If you run usaci, you'll most likely be limited on voltage and battery quantity depending on your class so 12v is typically the way to go.

Amp like DD M4a are tanks on 12v and some people have gotten close 9k out of them on 12v.

Amps typically run more efficient on 16v(if they can) but if you're really pushing them, its puts a lot of strain on the amp.

I like the idea of a 14v setup but again you're limited on AH....

I've seen the BC5500's do nasty shit on 16v, Javier's van was ridiculous to say the least lol. I will say you'll need a few more if you plan on running those @.25

Looking forward to you actually getting loud cheezy

Thank you very much for your input Kyle, I appreciate it. I didn't want to mention it, didn't want to get bashed for it, but yes, the BC5500 could potentially put out ~9,000rms @ 19 volts. Grant it, I probably will never see it, but none the less, that is a huge gain from running the exact same amplifier, while only changing the one variable of voltage. And that is the way I was looking at it. If this amplifier, is capable of putting out more power, and keeping it running happier/more efficient or less strain, then why not? Sure, it may be a little bit more work, but not really. A LOT of competitors run multiple alternators. XS will be bringing back out the VCM so I will be able to control my voltage that way. The price at which I obtained these batteries are really great, and couldn't pass them up.

In MECA, I am limited to running a single alternator that is dedicated to the system, so, running a single 16v alternator, again, makes this ideal for me as I will be getting the most power by avoiding multiple alternators, placing me in a higher class than desired. I am restricted to only max charging I believe is 18v, but with a VCM, this is no problem and am unlimited on batteries to run IIRC.

If I was wanting to get the same power, at 12v, I will have to spend more money on an amplifier, such as the M4a, that will put out that power at a lower voltage rating. But even then, I will be forced to run at a lower than 1 ohm rating, which in terms of longevity, is something I don't want to do. I will not be pushing my amplifiers to their limits, unless in the lanes, which is a 1-3 sec burp.

And yes, I will need a few more, I plan on running at bare minimum, 6 more xp1000s as I will be doubling power before all is said and done.

At the end of the day, I believe, I have done sufficient research, and am backed by several knowledgeable members that will steer me in the right direction.

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At the end of the day it is your system. As long as you are happy with it, that is all that matters.

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I agree with Nem 100%, I'm sick of people telling me what can or cannot be done when they've never tried or seen it attempted. I do admit to having half witted ideas sometimes but they are not with out reason ;) at the end of the day the only thing that matters is you being happy.

You're welcome cheezy, I'm sure your setup will do fine as long as you take the time to do it properly. Javier beats the shit out of those amps and they're running .25 each! It may not be the loudest thing out there but I challenge anyone to sit in the pucker with the door closed for a full song. Good luck, I'm looking forward to this.

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Hell ya senchez u know im tuned in. cant wait to see u get loud! :D

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I understand each persons point & they all have validity. In my opinion, it's your money to do with what you like. I will say though, GO SLOW!! Don't make the kind of mistakes you've been prone to by moving too quickly. You could not only destroy car audio equipment, but your vehicle as well. Done preaching.....lol!

Good luck lil bro!

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I understand each persons point & they all have validity. In my opinion, it's your money to do with what you like. I will say though, GO SLOW!! Don't make the kind of mistakes you've been prone to by moving too quickly. You could not only destroy car audio equipment, but your vehicle as well. Done preaching.....lol!

Good luck lil bro!

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I don't think anybody was bashing you. Just trying to point you in a better direction. There is a reason most people run 12v setups at 15.5, and uts not because they're to dumb to know otherwise like another member thinks. Trust me your amp does not "like" 18v better than 12v. It will however like reserve for daily driving and demos. Simple math says it should make more power on 18v vs 12v. I can't argue that but it hardly fit the goals I knew you to have.

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I have a MECA show this weekend, time to get this metered, even though its a daily scenario.

I got some goodies from Cendo today :) FOR FREE :) AMAZing customer service!!!



Also, I got tinted up yesterday :) 5% all around, 15% front windows :)




It looks soooo much better this way! And believe it or not, it looks stock! I was really nervous about driving in the dark, but last night, it was actually very easy to see! I was really surprised. Like, I can see the headlights of cars behind me, but I will have to look through the side mirrors to make out the vehicle. Good thing I have memorized local police headlight pattern :)

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Oh, and its soooooo much cooler inside now!! 5% Ceramic Tint FTMFW :)

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Lol lookin good. Now u just need to get some 26s :)

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Tint looks good!

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I got some goodies from Cendo today

Cendo? WTFBBQ?

Tint looks good!

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20's with some meat on em or AT's ;)

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Thanks for all the kind words fellas!!!

I haven't actually decided want I wanted to do yet as far as wheels/tires is concerned. I would never to 26s though laugh.png




Mi casa su casa smile.png


Edited by Sencheezy

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20's with some meat on em or AT's ;)


I was joking about the 26s...

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