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So I would like to inform everybody of where this build stands at right now. I was tipped back in January of a guy selling some stetsom amps over at SuckMyDi**. Guy name was/is !!!Blinky!!! Well anyways, longer story short, money was sent January and have yet to received the Stetsom 10kd I've payed for. Will be filing a police report tomorrow. So we will see what happens with that. I am looking for a amp that does 10k-15k rms. budget is 1-1.5k$. My Pioneer is currently in the shop, I believe there is something wrong with the RCA output, so waiting for that. Also, goals for slamology is to have doors glassed, and laminates/tints installed. And after Slam, I will be installing SDS then the lastly the subwoofers. So I guess just stay tuned!

If you paid with Paypal, try filing a claim. Paypal has always taken care of me.

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That sucks! I hope things go in your favor and you get your money back.

Yea it sucks bad man... Because I know I won't be able to get ALL the money back due to w/e fees that may come into play.

Sucks about your amp situation but thats a hard budget to work with for 10-15k.

Yeah I know man :( I had no buisness even looking at that site.. What budget do you believe is enough or suitable for that power range?

Sorry dude. I told you don't buy that stetsom.

yeah It sucks... I should have listened :smh:

I now do enclosure designs, past professional experience work can be found below, this is the enclosure that I have decided to design. This is a top view and no I can not design another like it, sorry patent pending



The line formation and flow is much more indicative of Monet with a sprinkling of Renoir.


Nice work along the way, love all the photo's. I hope the deck can be fixed soon.

Thank you sir, I figured members like photos, no matter what it is lol. Same here, I've had that deck at a local Pioneer authorize repair shop for over 2 weeks now, I don't know if that is good or bad though.

So I would like to inform everybody of where this build stands at right now. I was tipped back in January of a guy selling some stetsom amps over at SuckMyDi**. Guy name was/is !!!Blinky!!! Well anyways, longer story short, money was sent January and have yet to received the Stetsom 10kd I've payed for. Will be filing a police report tomorrow. So we will see what happens with that. I am looking for a amp that does 10k-15k rms. budget is 1-1.5k$. My Pioneer is currently in the shop, I believe there is something wrong with the RCA output, so waiting for that. Also, goals for slamology is to have doors glassed, and laminates/tints installed. And after Slam, I will be installing SDS then the lastly the subwoofers. So I guess just stay tuned!

If you paid with Paypal, try filing a claim. Paypal has always taken care of me.

No, didn't use paypal. I used Money Orders. But I did take/save photos of them, don't have the reciepts any more.. But have all communications saved. I hope that should be enough, I also have all of his contact information.

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do we get to see this on judge judy?

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Damn that blows u used money orders.. Only thing u can do is go to that guys hometown and press charges.. But still prob wont help..dont feel bad tho ive been ripped off giving someone money orders too...thats what sucks about dealing over the net..

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just when it starts to feel like the winning is near...........that asshole Murphy comes in with his law :(

Hope things get worked out lil bro.

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Just got off the phone with the tech's who are working on my Pioneer, and there IS something indeed wrong with my unit, more than just the pre outs as well. So, good news as far as troubleshooting goes, bad news as far as still no music. Also, will be getting doors done soon, so stay tune!

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Just got off the phone with the tech's who are working on my Pioneer, and there IS something indeed wrong with my unit, more than just the pre outs as well. So, good news as far as troubleshooting goes, bad news as far as still no music. Also, will be getting doors done soon, so stay tune!

Warranty cover it?

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Just got off the phone with the tech's who are working on my Pioneer, and there IS something indeed wrong with my unit, more than just the pre outs as well. So, good news as far as troubleshooting goes, bad news as far as still no music. Also, will be getting doors done soon, so stay tune!

Warranty cover it?

unfortunately no, I purchased this unit via Ebay, and the current store I purchased it through is no longer up. I've emailed the seller, but i think once the store becomes deactivated, then maybe the account in its entirety is closed down, which in result, no contact information. I'm really glad that I have finally singled out the source(no pun intended) of my problems before this build begins to get any larger.

Also, spoke with an dectective today in regards to my police report. Lady doesn't seem confindent in getting my money back, which is really unfortunate.. Thats 950$ freaking dollars gone! Another victim also contacted me though, I hope he follows through with his report. Theres one other victim as well that I'm aware of, hopefully we can make a large enough noise for it to become a federal fraud.

For the authorized pioneer shop, they required a 45$ deposit, and that will go towards the final cost now that they have found an issue with it. They also mentioned that the tech has been in contact with Pioneer to try and further troublshoot my unit. I wonder what kind of damage did I cause? Only negative harm that I have done to my awareness is hot swapping the RCAs.

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Hope it is a cheap fix.

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You are a patient man. I would have chalked that one off two weeks ago. lol

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So I'm pretty impatient, and patient at the same time. Realizing how long I may be without my DVD player, I hit up my buddy Craig and took a look at what he has available for me off his List. Heres what I found for 50$ :D






I don't use CDs anymore lol, so I was like :( But with the help of a little :google: I found an adapter that plugs into the rear and allows RCA input, so I ordered that of course. Debating on ordering a single din kit for it or not, depends on how cheap I can get it. But yeah, after class tonight, I'm for sure installing it. The guy I bought it from was pretty jelly that I figured out how to get my ipod on it, one of the reasons he sold it :lol:

Not a bad unit from the looks of it. 3 4v outputs, it even has a fan in it! Never seen that before lol. Also, it has many EQing built it, so shouldn't be a bad temp :)

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Nice Js

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I love Alpine headunits. good find!

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Back in business?

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nice find !

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Nice Js

Thanks Steve foshizzle.gif

I love Alpine headunits. good find!

Yeah thanks, I like it, not bad, a bit outdated but still sounds good. I think I've just been spoiled by having a big ass touch screen lol

Back in business?


Playing music yes, but STILL having some issues :suicide-santa: I will make new grounds when I have some time, see if that helps.

nice find !

Thanks Tim! Gotta love CL

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*****Small Update****

Today I recieved a small package :peepwall:





for my 6th month anniversary at work, I got 11 supplied outfits at NO cost plus free dry cleaning once a week :win:


Alpine installed :green-lights:


Big ass blue light from ZED




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OH NO!! Still having issues with noise? FTL!!!

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Keep at it!!!! biggrin.png

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sucks about the amp man, I would have said NO way to money orders.

I still have the PB 5k if you're interested.

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Got quoted 1075$ for replacement of radiator/hose :o

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Got quoted 1075$ for replacement of radiator/hose ohmy.png

fix that shit urself !! O_O

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Go to rockauto.com for replacement parts & either do it yourself or pay a buddy.

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Got quoted 1075$ for replacement of radiator/hose ohmy.png

Does that include a case of booze and some lap dances while they do the work? Damn that is expensive!!!


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