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I just got an amp Its a crossfire 360 that got in trade. I tried to hook it up and one channel is real low and the other is clear when I play music thru it.

Ok lets get down to the nitty gritty What I want to know is

1) Might it be blown?

2) The entire amp Blown or just that channel?

3) Is it safe to run the amp like that ?

4) I have looked and looked and I cannot find a PDF file for this amp, can someone help ?

I think Thas It if you guys need any more info Feel free to ask and I will post as much information as I know and I can see on this problem.

Thanks again and I have to say this is a Great Site. Very helpful.

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could be a RCA issue

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I thought that so I changed them and same problem I am thinking its toast but I just want a more experienced person to say that LOL Ya know ?

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You obviously have a channel issue. Could be as simple asa broken solder point or trace, or something as bad as half the board burnt up. If it's worth it to you, have it repaired,

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I will open the hood and let you guys know what I see if that helpful.

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