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To change subs or not

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A buddy of mine still has the first system he bought a couple years ago consisting of 2 Kicker CVX 15s in a sealed box (the shop said they couldnt make a ported box with space they had, but I ran it on Torres an the box would have only had to be 2in taller to run a port which would put him at the top of his back seat.) He said he likes his 15s but he wants to be "louder" and hit the lows better. I told him I could build a ported box for his car, or we could upgrade subs for the new box. I have him looking at the XCON 18. He has a HIFONICS Brutus 2200. I figured at 1 ohm he would see 1700-1800 watts. Would 1 XCON 18 in 6 cube box at 34hz be as "loud" or "louder" than the 2 CVX? I figured with more motor strength and more XMAX to work with in a ported box it would do as good if not better than the Kickers. I know questions like this get asked all the time but I don't want to tell him wrong and him be unhappy. Any input guys?


1995 Saturn SW2 (wagon)

box would be 6ft^3 @34hz (after sub displacement and bracing)

Brutus 2200d

his alternator was rebuilt to 150a

and he wants to add a small battery in the back

all on 0ga with big 3 done

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Keep the 15s, build a better box. HUGE displacement advantage with twin 15s versus one 18.

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yep, no need to spend more money. what did you come up with for the box?

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i miss my cvx 15's. just build a better box for them. once them things are ported, they will come alive im telling u lol. my buddy had 2 of the newest modle cvx 15's on a alpine mrp2000 in a jeep and still do this day, are one of the loudest systems iv ever heard.

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Try ported first, with the Kicker's and see what he likes then, that would be the cheapest route

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