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1996 honda civic coupe

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just finished installing system, nothing to exiciting,

2 soundstream rubicon rub1000-2 for mids and high speakers

crunch gp3000.1 pro amp for subwoofers

2 fi Q 15 inch subwoofers in sealed box, 2.6 c.f. each, box made from 1 1/8 inch plywood, 2x4 bracing inside box

infinty perfect 6.1 mids and Dayton audio rs28f-4 tweeters

alpine cda-117 cd player and pxa-h100

didnt have much time to listen to it, but sounds really good, only problem is that the subwoofers are only about 3 inches from the back of the front seats,

pulled the back seat out and built an amp rack, then screwed the amp rack to the trunck opening, built a subwoofer floor had to add 1x1 pieces of wood so the floor would not pinch any wires, then screwed floor to the cars floor, havent secured the subwoofer box yet, im going to try subs facing foward or facing up to see which way sounds the best, the infinity mids are in stock location, tweeters are just screwed to the doorpanels, lol look like crap, it will work for now, i have a set of focal 260v3 speakers that im planing on installing after i fiberglass the doorpanels, these come with 10 inch midbass, 5 inch mids, and 3 inch tweeters, it should be a tight fit.

d3100 battery in trunk, 0 guage power and ground wires, thats about it, here is a couple pictures, thanks for looking............. Brian




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Very nice setup!!! I also have a 96 coupe. Do I see a wall in the future? :D

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