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Need help picking a component set

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Hey guys, I was planning on getting the Oxygen audio Air-83 3-way component speakers.I liked the fact that they included a large mid-bass woofer, another decent sized mid-range and a tweeter all in one. Also, I liked how they were a component set because i do not know enough yet to run an active system. But the problem is that I waited too long and now amazon don't have them in stock. Does anyone know a comparable set? Like i said before, I'd like a large mid-bass and mid-range, component set with a passive crossover, and i would prefer not to pay through the nose to get them.

Thanks guys!

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The benefits you list are dubious and not real. I would personally shy away from a passive 3 way, in particular if the word budget is used. The mounting considerations to make them work right are stringent and generally can be easily out done with a 2 way.

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A large midrange isn't a benefit. At all. The whole point of a 3-way system is to get the midrange playing as much of the frequency spectrum as possible. The midbass and the tweeter are just there to handle ideally the bottom octave and the top octave. A large midrange will start to beam at a low (relatively) frequency forcing the tweeter to play more of the freq range than is desired in a 3-way. In other words a big midrange totally defeats the purpose of the 3-way system. Get a good 2-way system and call it good.

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As does a crappy crossover, non-coincident mounting locations, a midbass that sucks at being a midbass, a junk tweeter and then you add the self defeating lack of a true midrange and YUCK.

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