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Mark LaFountain

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Sean, you ever learn any German for work? I imagine they all speak English, but...

Not really, but that being said I can follow any conversation in the building.  Lots of people there think I speak German considering how interactive I can be.

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I believe they need more accountability. Some of the shit they get away with is asinine.

Fire department is not much better in my area...I got fined a couple of weeks ago and had to deal with the fire marshal for like 3 hours..30 acre's of wooded area caught fire "that is owned by me" I got charged for not having a burn permit..And all I was doing was grilling in the wood line by the fire pit..Fuckin B.S.


So you were grilling and 30 acres of your land caught fire? You fell asleep?


He was grilling a steak.  You saw that, no?  Makes sense now.

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Time to shave your head, grow a big beard and buy a harley mike

I saw the remnants of a guy riding a Harley Friday.  Squelched my desire to own a bike again.  Sucks.  Stupid Yukon waxed him.

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My point being don't be a sheep--from either side.

What is your educated opinion on the correct level of fluoride for the human body to ingest?

Nearly impossible. Every human is different. A minimum baseline to prevent horrible general problems is however a lot easier to find out.

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Just got Anni to sleep. I am pulling night duty so wifey can sleep. The broken collar bone was putting her in a world of pain. Most likely will get surgery, if for no other reason than cosmetic.

Sorry mang, that's rough :(

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Time to shave your head, grow a big beard and buy a harley mike

I saw the remnants of a guy riding a Harley Friday. Squelched my desire to own a bike again. Sucks. Stupid Yukon waxed him.


No bueno

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We grow a strain of golden cherry tomato's. They are so stupidly sweet its not funny. Awesome munchie food!!

My boys and I are jealous.  One of their favorite snacks.

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We are under a TOR:CON level 4 alert..

I have to ask, why do ppl live where there are tornado s? I just don't understand the logic is all. Bc its all you know perhaps?
Actually you may think it is weird but I like it when it storms..Exciting to me,I have always be fascinated by the weather it is amazing how mother nature works.

Thats why I love Tampa/St Pete. Beautiful storms down here. The thunder and lightning are amazing.



Spring up here some nights you can read books by the lightning.  Love it.

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This suede headliner is a BITCH!  Much better than stock though.  Wish I could do the dash.

Why can't you?  Is it a headliner you bought?  The Escalade needs love!



No, I bought the material and covered myself.  It would have been better had I had a couple friends, but was difficult to do alone.  I did one side at a time, and on the second side, I learned to do a small area at a time so I could pull what I needed.  The dash might be easier since I can pull it out of my other car, plus it won't be foam backed so I don't have to worry about the foam separating from the material if I have to reposition.  I'll snap some pics and show you.  I  have a few fuck ups, but I LOVE it in comparison.  I have to order more material though to do the rest of trim. 

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The other day some of you were talking about grass-fed vs corn-fed cattle in terms of taste and nutrition. I found multiple papers that showed some differences in fat composition and antioxidants. The authors didn't imply anything in terms to health, just said this is what we found, which is as expected. The differences in fat composition were insignificant in terms of health, but the amount of antioxidants found in the grass-fed cattle meat was. So what happens? A bunch of fucking idiots with blogs write that the grass-fed meat is healthier due to more antioxidants and cite the study as proof. Only problem is they don't know the antioxidant was an enzyme and when eaten is going to be cleaved the fuck up, so the point is null.

And they taste bad.  Same stupid fuckers that bred all of the flavor out of the cattle in the US.  The level of hatred I have for these fucks is not measureable.

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The other day some of you were talking about grass-fed vs corn-fed cattle in terms of taste and nutrition. I found multiple papers that showed some differences in fat composition and antioxidants. The authors didn't imply anything in terms to health, just said this is what we found, which is as expected. The differences in fat composition were insignificant in terms of health, but the amount of antioxidants found in the grass-fed cattle meat was. So what happens? A bunch of fucking idiots with blogs write that the grass-fed meat is healthier due to more antioxidants and cite the study as proof. Only problem is they don't know the antioxidant was an enzyme and when eaten is going to be cleaved the fuck up, so the point is null.

I think the half cow I got was grass fed.


It looked like shit for an animal that you bought whole.  Real bad.

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Roommates mom got me a sake cup and a little sumo wall hanger from Japan.

Such a fun looking trip.

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My point being don't be a sheep--from either side.

What is your educated opinion on the correct level of fluoride for the human body to ingest?


I have no idea.

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Sean, you ever learn any German for work? I imagine they all speak English, but...

Not really, but that being said I can follow any conversation in the building.  Lots of people there think I speak German considering how interactive I can be.



Nothing serious at this point, but I'm thinking Germany would be a cool place to go for school if I can swing it, so I'm learning German. :lol:

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We are under a TOR:CON level 4 alert..

I have to ask, why do ppl live where there are tornado s? I just don't understand the logic is all. Bc its all you know perhaps?
Actually you may think it is weird but I like it when it storms..Exciting to me,I have always be fascinated by the weather it is amazing how mother nature works.

Thats why I love Tampa/St Pete. Beautiful storms down here. The thunder and lightning are amazing.


Spring up here some nights you can read books by the lightning.  Love it.

I would give my left nut for a full day/night of dark storm clouds with tons of thunder and lightning.

Nothing beats a storm that lights up the sky and shakes the house.


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My dad is the one to blame. She was riding on an inter-tube behind an ATV in the snow, and my dad was the ring leader of that childish shenanigan. lol

Only puked twice during the night, dont think she knew what to think of the pain pills. She didn't move from this spot on the couch all night.

Isn't that the spot I passed out in after the trail hike?


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Took the turn a little too tight and rubbed the wheel on the camry! Fucking low profile wheels suck!


Now I have to buy a new wheel before I get the new tires mounted!

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We are under a TOR:CON level 4 alert..

I have to ask, why do ppl live where there are tornado s? I just don't understand the logic is all. Bc its all you know perhaps?
Actually you may think it is weird but I like it when it storms..Exciting to me,I have always be fascinated by the weather it is amazing how mother nature works.

Thats why I love Tampa/St Pete. Beautiful storms down here. The thunder and lightning are amazing.


Spring up here some nights you can read books by the lightning.  Love it.

I would give my left nut for a full day/night of dark storm clouds with tons of thunder and lightning.

Nothing beats a storm that lights up the sky and shakes the house.




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I guess the only good thing out of this is I will keep this wheel for a full sized spare.

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Now baking cookies on the egg and over cooked the first batch of peanut butter!

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Going to call the dealer tomorrow for their price on this wheel.


Found a dealer online at a decent price.

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Trying the old bag method,not sure how good it will be..Veggies was seasoned with Mrs Dash smile.png






Yikes, no way.  Mush for vegetables and steamed meat is BAD.

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Trying the old bag method,not sure how good it will be..Veggies was seasoned with Mrs Dash smile.png






Yikes, no way.  Mush for vegetables and steamed meat is BAD.

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