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problrms with new ssd's!!!

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I ordered two dual two ssd's with all the options. Upon removing them fthat they would not move when pushed in on. I just thought they were just really stiff. I built my whole system around these subs. I'm still waiting on my amp, but got curious of how they sounded

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Adw I wired them in series and hooked a 1000d up to them. The ohm read 1.36 at the amp. As soon as I turned the stereo on I got nothing but a burning smell. I tried getting hold of the warranty # and nobody answered and the voice mailbox was full. How cam I get this taken care of? My amp will finally be here this week and I've not got subs to use it on. Plz help!

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So you hooked them up to an amp and they didn't work? You need to post pictures of the subs or something cause I've never heard of subs coming from Fi DOA. Im sure they will accept it and inspect it but if found you fudged up then you get nada and end up paying shipping both ways

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 Edit: lockd.gif  

Edited by BrutalBasser

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