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Hertz HSK-165XL Mids $105 +shipping

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I had these in the doors of my Explorer. The drivers side was hit by another car and slightly (very slightly) damaged one of the mids. The basket is a little bent and the mounting hole cracked. I fixed the crack with some JB weld and bent the basket back into place as best I could. It still plays and sits 90% flush (but if you torque it down it won't leak at all.) The other mid is in great shape.





Pics of Damage



That's JB weld on the basket, not cracks or scratches or anything.


Here's it sitting on a baffle

From the side:


And directly facing it




And that's without any screws in the baffle so with a little torque it'll sit flush in there.


105 + Shipping to you (that's basically giving the damaged one away)


Let me know people! I need some $$$

Edited by An-i-no

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