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Weight Measurements

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uppers.... :-D

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hello.... me again.... 

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hello.... me again.... 



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Laptop is still down, there are so many things ahead of it on the priority list atm, and we only have so much cash to work with, sorry.  Each model is pretty consistent in terms of power ratting relating to weight.

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Laptop is still down, there are so many things ahead of it on the priority list atm, and we only have so much cash to work with, sorry.  Each model is pretty consistent in terms of power ratting relating to weight.



Well, if I could get just the weight of a 12" and 15" Xcon that would be great! I don't have a scale at home to weight it and its in the box anyway

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it really isnt enough weight to matter. plan on 40-50lbs for each of those woofers.

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it really isnt enough weight to matter. plan on 40-50lbs for each of those woofers.

The difference in weight between a 12" and 15" is about null. IIRC when I shipped my 15" xcons it was around 48-50lbs total, so each driver itself is ~47 +- 2lbs.


45x2 = 90lbs

49x2 = 98lbs


OP, Does 8lbs really matter? I think not. Perhaps if you're using a dozen. :P

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Laptop is still down, there are so many things ahead of it on the priority list atm, and we only have so much cash to work with, sorry.  Each model is pretty consistent in terms of power ratting relating to weight.

  Well, if I could get just the weight of a 12" and 15" Xcon that would be great! I don't have a scale at home to weight it and its in the box anyway

If you need to know that bad then just take your sub out and find a scale to weigh it, real simple actually. Or just buy a smaller, lightweight sub. If enclosure is not made of birch then redo enclosure to save on weight. You could also ask the dude Ricksi30 sold his 12" xcons to, how much they weigh, just improvise.

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Zcon 18" 54 pounds woofer weight, 71 pounds shipping weight

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