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I've been searching around for some 3/0 lugs for my electrical upgrade.


I really prefer using the split barrel over the solid like most of what you see.  Like this:




I found some on amazon for $2 each.  I know I can use the solid barrel but they all seem so damn bulky.  Well, not that 3/0 isn't bulky anyway but I'm not trying to have a huge stack of crap on all my connections either.  Nor am I trying to spend $100 on some terminals.


Anyone have any good reliable sources to look at?  Any suggestions?  I'm not totally against using the solid barrel lugs if they are fairly compact.


Usually I use something like the Knu terminals and call it a day but they don't offer anything that large.  




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from what i hear the knu ones are the equivilent of 2/0.  only sugestion i can throw in is to use those and open them up before u put the wire in. either that or the amizon ones

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yea i bought some 2/0 from



i can barely tell the difference between 1/0 and 2/0


10 for 19.40 plus shipping, which is like 6$...i just bought some yesterday is why i know how much shipping is lol


never really seen the split type that often

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Probably for Stranded wire.. I know fastenall sells some like that for 3/0 but personally I prefer the lugs anyways.

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