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Walling a vehicle 101 - any suggestions?

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Julian 2 1" layers?


I have never built any of my walls like that mainly because to save weight but i also do not compromise enclosure integrity either.


Where there is only 1-2 layers of 3\4" wood, it is made up with bracing.


In my vehicles, i actually use the frame of the vehicle in most places as the bracing so it can't flex out so basic internal bracing with 2x4s and some steel is all that is necessary.  Stiff as can be once completed and never a problem.


My first wall i built, i intentionally made it single later with minimum bracing so i can see how long it would last and what would fail..


Once i got this information, i changed what type of glue i use, fasteners and design method.


Now i can use minimal wood without compromising design integrity to save weight.



As or speakerboy, i would say not to do a wall.  


I would design a street box to fit from the B pillar if you need to all the way back.


And as bassahaulic said as well, walls and batts do not decrease mpg all that much.


In my last car, i had ~1350lbs added and i STILL got the same mpg in the city, i just lost about 8mpg on the highway.


But with weight period, watch the level of your vehicle.  If the top of the tires starts to get lost, stop adding weight or upgrade suspension.


Suspension is typically weakest link in weight ratings.

suspension(and everything else tied into it), brakes, engine, transmission, chassis.. all account for rating.

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That's good news to me, I was thinking i'd drop money on a stetsom 2k5 instead of the pure audio 3000.1 due to some comments towards it (lol), but if I can get something a little smaller, that's fine by me. As for a 40hz tuning, what kind of music do you listen to? My tens were tuned to 37hz and I hated it, a large portion of my music felt like it was missing the low end. I was going to do a 28hz tune. I'd like to keep the seat if I'm not walling it, so twelves doesn't upset me, but by entry level, are you implying they don't get very loud?

Edited by SpeakerBoy

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I walled my trailblazer with four 15s and I realized it was a dumb idea for me at least. I drive a lot and even though it was sick as fuck having a wall, it was a complete bitch to have blocking my vision.


I would try doing a build below the window line first! If you need to get louder THEN build a wall. I would rather have 2 15s or something in the cargo area and still get very loud.


Yea don't tune to 40hz lol Too me that's wayyyyy to high of tuning.


Just because they're entry level doesn't mean they won't get loud. They just won't get as loud as the higher level subs that and will take more power.

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Do all the obsidians have the same size motor; if I bought twelves, could I have them reconed to fifteens later down the road?

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Do all the obsidians have the same size motor; if I bought twelves, could I have them reconed to fifteens later down the road?

would it be very economical to even do that? you could probably sell the 12s and buy 15s potentially cheaper. any reason for buying new subs in the first place?

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In terms of my current woofers or from 12's to 15's?

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even with all the suspension mods a wall sounds dangerous as fuck. 

Dangerous? As in, higher chance of rolling the truck on a turn?


lots of extra weight in the vehicle,  no use of rear view mirror, and you're not an experienced driver so the potential of shit going wrong is pretty high (no offense).

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In terms of my current woofers or from 12's to 15's?


i suspect that buying 12s, later selling them. and upgrading to new/used 15s would be cheaper than reconing 12s to 15s. this should be easy to figure out a head of time if you know the cost of everything.

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Really? I thought it might be more affordable due to keeping some of the parts.

No, I understand on the no line of sight; that's the one thing I hate about the wall concept. And I love my truck, but it sure feels alot more iffy when I pull turns a little quick. I can't imagine with 400lbs more

Edited by SpeakerBoy

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If you've never had a car having one with suspect suspension, brakes, acceleration, visibility and a rompin' fuckin' stereo isn't really the best idea. Adding at least visibility to the list is a minimum although I'd prefer to see all of the above improved.

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Oh there's nothing wrong with the suspension, or anything mechanical. I meant iffy compared to cornering in a smaller vehicle.

I think for now i'll keep it below the windows, i'm going to measure tomorrow to determine 12's or 15's.

As for securing the enclosure, is bolting it down to the frame okay?

Edited by SpeakerBoy

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Oh there's nothing wrong with the suspension, or anything mechanical. I meant iffy compared to cornering in a smaller vehicle.

I think for now i'll keep it below the windows, i'm going to measure tomorrow to determine 12's or 15's.

As for securing the enclosure, is bolting it down to the frame okay?

There'd be a ton wrong if it had a wall.

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Oh there's nothing wrong with the suspension, or anything mechanical. I meant iffy compared to cornering in a smaller vehicle.

I think for now i'll keep it below the windows, i'm going to measure tomorrow to determine 12's or 15's.

As for securing the enclosure, is bolting it down to the frame okay?

There'd be a ton wrong if it had a wall.

If I were to have it walled i'd have the suspension worked on.

Edited by SpeakerBoy

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