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how to wire, E12s

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I have two E12s being hooked up to a 800rms amp. I want to wire them to 2ohms but I don't know how, I need a diagram or something.

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What is the voice coil configuration on them?  We need to know if they're single 4 ohm, dual 4 ohm, dual 2 ohm, etc. in order to get you the diagram you need.

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Also the subs are E12 D4. I want them wired so the amp will run them at 2ohms for 800rms total.

The amp is not 1ohm stable.

Thank you for the help

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Can't be done with two dual 4 ohm subs.  They can only be wired to 1 ohm, 4 ohms, or 16 ohms.

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Ok, well il go amp shopping then, so can give me a guide to use 4ohms now and a 1ohm later?

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Here ya go....









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How do I know which terminal is which on the sub?

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One side of the sub will have two terminals. One will be negative and the other will be positive. If you spin it around, the other side will be the same thing. They all have a marking somewhere or a black or red color to identify which terminal is which.

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They should be marked + and - (red or black) and typcially the terminals are paired up on each side of the sub for each coil on a DVC sub.


A few manufacturers have gone to using some proprietary and funky terminals to make wiring them easier, but from all the pics I found of the Type E's they don't have those types of terminals so it should be pretty straight forward.


As long as you connect the + and - up as shown in the diagrams you should be good to go.

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awesome, thank you very much.
I just ordered a 1200rms at 1ohm amp, il keep the gain down smile.png

I just found a 1700rms amp on sale (same company) for the same price i paid, should I cancel my order on the 1200 and get the 1700rms amp??? I might save it for a later more powerful setup.

The only thing i was worried about was my car not starting trying to power the bigger amp. I dont know about that stuff tho.

Edited by Dangercdv

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