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wiered noises

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whenever i plug in or out my mp3 player into the stereo my Fi Car Audio SSD 12 makes a pop sound .. so when i was playing my music i gradually made the volume louder then all of a sudden the sub will pop and start this loud humming noise.. i dont think i blew it because i played it again and it sounded fine until the pop and humming sound came again

Edited by FiAudioSubwoofersjj

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Did you try another aux cord?

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turn down your volume before you plug stuff in. otherwise that's normal. But not the humming.

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yeah so the at 1st the pop only happened when i plugged in the my iphone but after turning up the volume more another pop will happen followed up by a loud humming

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This has nothing to do with your woofer.  I would try and fix whatever in your signal chain is bad before you break something.

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Is it only with the mp3 player?

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The speaker only does what it's told.

Check all else before the woofer.

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everytime I read the title of this thread I want to ask how it sounds wireless. Amusingly, that would be a cure. Something in your wires. The other cure is easier and cheaper and that is to fix what you have wired incompletely.

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wiered looks more like wired than weird. Best way when it sucks wired is to try wireless. It was a pun. Can't convert your power and complete wires to wireless, but you do have a wiring problem.

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If is it harmful levels of course. A harmful level of ANY signal will. I'd be MUCH more interested in knowing why. Until you look over and re-attach EVERY wired connection I wouldn't turn it on.

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If that idea is foreign to you then you should pay someone to.

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It doesn't happen when you plug it in when the system is off does it.

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