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amp suggestions

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I plan on running a obsidian 12 or 15 in my 94 grand prix 2dr. I have a box meant for 2 12s, 5cuf gross 3.75 net. I can either put the 12 in there. or plug both wholes and cut a hole for the 15 on top. either way the box is temp. anyways I need suggestion on a amp for it. don't want to spend anymore then $200. i don't buy used and i don't buy off of fourms. i don't have a paypal and don't want a paypal.

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Is the box one of the ones like "|O| |O|" or is it more like "|OO| ||"


If it is the second one then i'd say go for the 15 as 3.75 would be fine for a 15. 


If it is the first one then plug one side and use the 12. 


Either way, you can't go wrong with anything in the 500 -1000 watt range as long as it's mono and has good reviews.


Honestly, i'd look in to a well built enclosure if you can manage it though. The obsidian will love you for it.

Edited by nadcicle

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2nd one lol.but id have to plug the hole front side where the 12s where and cut a new hole on top for a 15. right now its in my other car with 1 hole pluged and a incriminator lethal injection 12 in the other. but im having a box built for it right now should be able to pick it up in a few days.

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I couldn't make an accurate suggestion on whether the 15 will sound good in that enclosure or not for lack of known port area and tuning, but it will definitely make some noise. If you have any input on the new box build then send them to the obsidian page so they can see the specs themselves and let them know your goals and how you would like the overall bass to sound. Proper specs and tuning go a long way with overall output and sound quality. The Obsidian's really do shine if you take care of the small details and don't try putting a 2k or better amp on them. They are rated and warranted for 600rms from the manufacturer and they will get loud and sound good on it too.

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I got 2 obsidian 12's on a IA 10.1 they sound good and are pretty loud in my truck.

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well box is 5.02 gross and 3.75 net. ports like 25 inches long I belive. 4 inches wide and 15 tall. I had a friend design it (as I don't have the math rapped around my head yet to design a box. but I can build one with my 2 hands

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ppi p1000.1

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ppi p1000.1


This was going to be my suggestion. PPI makes nice budget amps.

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id say a Hifonics Brutus 1200.1 or a PPI 1000.1

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