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How much did you pay for your sub box (only the box not install)

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Okay I've been on these forums and have been looking at a lot of box designers and box designs. I was just curious to find out how much everybody paid for their enclosures/ sub boxes? This is not for the experts who can make their own boxes though your expert quotes are welcomed. This is for those who don't know and are learning how to make enclosures and had to pay lol. Also state if materials were included or not. If possible give the length of time it took. Pics would also be a plus.

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I paid a member here once for a box. If I remember he gave me a great deal around $230 shipped. No longer building enclosures tho.

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200 shipped,I waited twice as long for the box than I did the subs!

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Depends on the box, I know my shop (which is hands down the best shop in the kc area) sold Hand built boxes for around 170 dual 12/single 15.

Usually designs were 25$ each with cut sheets.

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Will depend on subs and materials used to

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I paid a member here once for a box. If I remember he gave me a great deal around $230 shipped. No longer building enclosures tho.

Mine was kerfed, double baffle, about 4 cu ft braced.

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