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Hi everyone,

wanted to introduce myself and salute the members sharing their knowledge to help others end their frustration. Thought I'd list my setup down below.

Car: Kia Rio Hatchback Coupe European Version (2016 Version) *cars design - playing a crucial role into ruining the audio experience

HU: Pioneer 80PRS

Front System: Gladen RS 165 2x100W @ 3 Ohm

Front System Amplifier: Mosconi Gladen ONE 120.2 2x120W @ 4 Ohm

Subwoofer: ESX Quantum QE-1224 1x800W @ 4x4 Ohm in a 50 Litres Slot Port Box located in the trunk

Subwoofer Amplifier: JL Audio Rd1000/1 1x800W @ 2 Ohm

*front doors treated

*a common ground point for all of the above described equipment

Edited by wizz

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:WELCOME: and cool equipment 

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For those familiar with the JL Rd1000/1, it has a Switch on it for the Voltage. You can set it to either Low or High.

What option would you choose given the above setup? Here is the explanation in the manual, which leaves me dead confused.

"The “Low” position on the “Input Voltage” switch selects an input sensitivity range between 200mV and 2V. This means that the “Input Sensitivity” rotary control will operate within that voltage window. If you are using an aftermarket source unit, with conventional preamp level outputs, this is the position you should select. The “High” position on the “Input Voltage” switch selects an input sensitivity range between 800mV and 8V for all input channels. This is useful for certain high-output preamp level signals as well as speaker-level output from source units and small amplifiers."

Given that the 80PRS outputs a clean 5V signal at full blast, doesn't that mean that, when I set the gains, shouldn't I match these 5Volts on the Rd1000/1? Which requires for that Switch to be set on High? I clearly do not understand the principle of level matching the HU with the Amp. 

Edited by wizz

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Welcome, very nice amps.

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