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Hey guys little intro first, my names Lucas I'm 22 and I live in Orange County California. I'm currently running a Kenwood X591 HU and the US Amps MD-22 and a pair of RE Audio SR12D4's in a way oversized and kind of sealed box (leaks like a mofo). Stock 6.5 speakers inside for now : (

I can't really give much of a review on the amp because its only about 15 minutes old, but those 15 minutes were pretty good. A little hot but good. Question though the bass remote seems to be different than others i've used. It seems like it has no relation to the actual bass boost like the one thats on the amp. So what is it actually controling and is the blue light ever gonna come back on the remote?

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My MD22 never gets hot; maybe a little warm, but no where near hot. Make sure your gains are set correctly. Oh, and get a decent enclosure made as it will increase performance/stability of those REs

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the gain is set right around 4 volts and yeah the box will be ready tomorow. What is your 22 pushing?

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wierdness...when i had a 22, it only got hot when i ran it at 2 ohms...but i installed my friends car with a single RE SR10, it gets hot. dunno. maybe we have our sr's wired wrong lol

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