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What would you do (or have)

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I got an 02 2 door blazer, I just bought a sundown 1500d. I had a 15" HC off 1500 watts in a factory spec enclosure, and then I went to 2 12" sx's in a factory spec enclosure with 1000 watts on each. These are the only two sub setups I have had in my life and both were in the trunk of a volvo s70.

Now that I have a blazer I am curious as to what I should do and I am looking to go FI....


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depends on what your looking for the Q is more sound quailty and the BTL is SPL...both play low and nasty and nasty is good :) I would go btl but i havent played around with the q's

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2dr blazer get a single 18" BTL and 2500 watts

box wise..try 6-6.5cf tuned to 32-35hz

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I'd go with two Q's sealed, personally.

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With the power of that amp, why not try 2 18" SSDs? or maybe 1 18 BL loaded? Depending on what kind of space you have, that would be what I would do. If you were willing to get more power that would change things though.

either would be good options.

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I am not looking to add any more strain on my electrical system so this sundown I think will be more than enough for a daily driving vehicle.

Well it sounds like a loaded bl in a fi spec enclosure ftw?

I listen to pretty much everything alot of rock, trance, rap, and yup even country lol.

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I'd go with the Q's sealed, but try to cram as much cone area as possible without sacrificing enclosure size. You can't fit dual 15's or 18's?

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I'd go with the Q's sealed, but try to cram as much cone area as possible without sacrificing enclosure size. You can't fit dual 15's or 18's?

So my best bet is two 15" Q's sealed?

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I'd go with the Q's sealed, but try to cram as much cone area as possible without sacrificing enclosure size. You can't fit dual 15's or 18's?

So my best bet is two 15" Q's sealed?

I would go this route, get the subs in dual 2 ohm voice coils and wire them down to 1/2 of an ohm for your daily impedance. You will be feeding each sub around 900 watts rms.

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with that power i would go with a pair of ssd's or a modded q or bl, pair of q's or bls wont have enough power, and you should wall your blazer

like i did


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I think im going to go with a modded 18" Q in a ported enclosure with sub firing up and port firing towards the hatch....

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If cost is a factor, I'd go with a single 18 Q or BL. I know the Q can take 1500 watts daily without the BP option...I imagine that the BL could do the same.

With 1500 watts, I'd go with SSDs if you want a dual sub setup considering that you don't want to add more power.

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I vote 15"BTL ported. Or 18" if you have the CUFT.

Loud and willing to take more if you ever decide to upgrade amps.

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