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About Cork10390

  • Rank
  • Birthday 10/30/1990

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    The Sticks Indiana
  • Interests
    Fast cars, loud music, the first two with all my friends.
  1. Cork10390

    What is the fastest you have gone

    About 145 in my 03 Tibby. Wish it had more, I wasn't scared yet
  2. Cork10390

    15" vs 18" In small cars

    Alrighty! LOL. Simple enough. Thanks everyone!
  3. Cork10390

    15" vs 18" In small cars

    Alright, I have 30" deep, 36" Wide, and 14" Tall to work with. Thanks everyone for help and the welcomes : ]
  4. Cork10390

    15" vs 18" In small cars

    I drive a 2003 Hyunda Tiburon GT. I've heard from one person that 18" subs don't do so well in smaller cars. I was looking for some more input on this subject. I have a 15" RD Sonance currently that does just fine, but I've been looking into some Fi Subs and I'm considering the possibility of maybe a 15" or 18" Q or bl. Anyone have any suggestions on a sub and a size? LOL. Thanks everyone! Corey