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About fis10

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  • Birthday 05/25/1989

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  1. will constructing a wall to seal off the front from the back of the car gain much?
  2. Umm I have a new larger napa battery upfront and the biggest marine battery walmart has in the rear until i get back from basic training to get 3-4 kinetik 2000's and the new dc power 270xp which is 200amps at idle. I still havent done anything for doorspeakers the amp for them. I dont drive around running them all day and done expect to the sub is only there for a short 1 minute demo and a competition or two. I would really like to get two on them walled someday after hearing it i think it would be awesome. My goal is someday get a 155 on music so ill upgrade till i get there.
  3. I recently purchased a btl 18 and a sundown 2000d which i guess puts out around 2500wrms. The problem is instead of going though a bunch of different enlosures to just ask the pros. I was personally thinking of walling off the front from the trunk. car is a 2000 coupe cavalier and theres a sound comp soon and would like some tips so any comments are appreciated. Im kinda a newbie when it comes to larger setups like this.
  4. fis10

    Testing all the SAZ amps

    I dont know much about amps but what was the max rms at 1ohm with a 2000d? I know they are underrated right?
  5. fis10

    Which Fi fits my bill BL or Q

    Im looking for the same but 4 cuft box tuned to 32hz does this make any difference? I listen to mostly rap and stuff that hits hard.
  6. HO Alts arnt that much and will save you in the end. Big 3 and 2/0....
  7. fis10


    Dang too late.
  8. fis10

    Amp For Fi SSD 15"

    Thanks guys i might just go with the bl 15 and the sundown saz1500D. Any wanna build me a box thats in michigan? The box would be 4cuft at 37 hz. also i am putting it into a 2000 cavalier with stock electrical except for big 3 should there be any problems. It would be until i get the funds for the ho alt and batts.
  9. fis10

    Amp For Fi SSD 15"

    I like the way you think. For a single woofer in a cavalier would a ssd or bl 15 be much difference?
  10. fis10

    q15 box idea

    Pics dont show up?
  11. fis10

    Four Icon 10" subs for sale

    Pm me a final price to 49707. northern michigan whats the depth on these
  12. fis10

    saz-3000d fusing

    Just that simple just put an in-line fuse within 12 inchs of the amp. Done deal. It doesnt make sense though does it if theres one at the battery. hmmm... nice amp though
  13. fis10

    Trade-In Program

    I hope alpine amps have high resale. you have an email.
  14. fis10

    Amp For Fi SSD 15"

    Quick question if i go with two 12's instead and wire them 1 ohm would i be able to use the same amp and get the same power as to one?
  15. fis10

    Amp For Fi SSD 15"

    Sundown amp's are top notch from what i read. Never really looked into them for that reason but they are infact very reasonably priced thanks.