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Posts posted by Goddyd4me



    The wife has already opened a bottle. Not sure if she is seeing how fast she can drink these 3.5 cases, but I will watch her enjoy herself. smile.png

    What kind did you get?



    Back from the wine and shopping trip. Surprised at how much fun I had. The wife and I went with the owners of spookhaven which have been our best friends forever, but they fight and bitch a lot and I have a hard time dealing with that. So this weekend I made them promise not to bitch or fight and smile or I would not go and guess what, they did it!  I made comment of how nice it was to have fun together without any negativity and they both thanked me and Ronda for it. Glad to finally see them enjoy each other.

    maybe I should try to make that deal with my wife. lol



    We went around lake Seneca and tasted everything we could. She bought everything she liked from fruit to a port. Tonight she is enjoy some blueberry.  


    I should go to a winery and do some tasting.   I tend to enjoy the sweeter wines.  not a big fan of the overly dry wines.  

  2. The wife has already opened a bottle. Not sure if she is seeing how fast she can drink these 3.5 cases, but I will watch her enjoy herself. smile.png

    What kind did you get?



    Back from the wine and shopping trip. Surprised at how much fun I had. The wife and I went with the owners of spookhaven which have been our best friends forever, but they fight and bitch a lot and I have a hard time dealing with that. So this weekend I made them promise not to bitch or fight and smile or I would not go and guess what, they did it!  I made comment of how nice it was to have fun together without any negativity and they both thanked me and Ronda for it. Glad to finally see them enjoy each other.

    maybe I should try to make that deal with my wife. lol

  3. So my wife is in a pissy mood tonight. Appears I upset her because our daughter was about to get to the end table with her glass of water and I guess she wanted me to go get our daughter even though she was on the bed 3 ft from her and I was across the room. I told her she needs to get her then. she then tries to get over the bed to get her and didnt quite make it over the pillows and got frustrated. So I just put down everything I was working on (laptop and books) and went and got the glass of water and moved it to where my daughter cant get it. Then she proceeds to start crying......

    I'm so ready for her to be done with being pregnant so she can go back to normal.

  4. so what is "Santa" bringing you guys this year?

    he's brining a WII. WII Sports, and Resort, and Mario Cart for the family and a Nintendo DSI XL for my son along with Mario Cart and a Pillow Pet (stupid catchy tune commercial)

  5. Sean and Tom can attest to the fact I'm not the most round fella in the room.

    We are similar.


    I'm the only fatty.



    I'm somewhat on the portly side. However, I've been losing weight recently, not really doing anything specifically to lose it so it has me somewhat concerned since Cancer runs in my family. Dropped from 290 to 270 in the last month w/ no exercise or change of eating habits. Going to a doctor after the new yr to get checked out.

  6. I need at least 4.5

    4-6 is ideal for me. any more or less and im cranky. prefer 6. went about 3 months w/ 2hrs a night back after my mom died and it screwed with my brain chemistry. made me a little crazy for a while, that mixed with depression is not a good combination.

  7. Stayed at the mother in laws house till 1:30am last night so she could get her christmas shopping done (she doesnt have a car so my wife took her shopping). So tired today. at least it should be an easy day.

  8. I need a couple people to test a new forum/blog function on my site. Anyone interested?

    If so, go to www.kandmcomputers.com and click on the wall on the right hand side and start posting. Not sure how well it will work as its a new feature. Not sure if you will have to register or not.

  9. Just spent an hour walking a guy through setting up his fish finder for his boat. I love my job!

    What kind of finder?

    Fish finder. Also called a Chart Plotter/Sonar Unit. A Lowrance HDS-5 and HDS-7 to be specific. If you'd like I can explain in more detail.

    Detail not necessary. I have an LCX-19c but have been thinking of upgrading. When I asked I didn't realize you worked with Lowrance :)

    Thats a good unit. If looking to upgrade I'd say go with the largest screen HDS unit you can afford and add the Structure Scan for Side Imaging and the advanced Downscan. Hummingbird have some good products as well, however, they are a little bit behind as far as technology is concerned when comparing the 2.

    I am not a Hummingbird guy. Do you get deals on HDS stuff?


  10. Just spent an hour walking a guy through setting up his fish finder for his boat. I love my job!

    What kind of finder?

    Fish finder. Also called a Chart Plotter/Sonar Unit. A Lowrance HDS-5 and HDS-7 to be specific. If you'd like I can explain in more detail.

    Detail not necessary. I have an LCX-19c but have been thinking of upgrading. When I asked I didn't realize you worked with Lowrance :)

    Thats a good unit. If looking to upgrade I'd say go with the largest screen HDS unit you can afford and add the Structure Scan for Side Imaging and the advanced Downscan. Hummingbird have some good products as well, however, they are a little bit behind as far as technology is concerned when comparing the 2.

  11. Just spent an hour walking a guy through setting up his fish finder for his boat. I love my job!

    What kind of finder?

    Fish finder. Also called a Chart Plotter/Sonar Unit. A Lowrance HDS-5 and HDS-7 to be specific. If you'd like I can explain in more detail.

  12. pfft fish finder

    the fish are at the seafood market, duh


    My day job is tech support for Lowrance. That means i get to help old guys out on the lake figure out how to use these high tech devices. In the middle of the call the guy was like "hey give me just a second. i gotta piss real bad" he then set the phone down for a min and then came back after pissing off the side of his boat.

    Sounds about right

    Fishing on a work day with so much beer in me that I need to piss mid convo. Sounds like heaven.

    Indeed. And it was only 8:30am

  13. pfft fish finder

    the fish are at the seafood market, duh


    My day job is tech support for Lowrance. That means i get to help old guys out on the lake figure out how to use these high tech devices. In the middle of the call the guy was like "hey give me just a second. i gotta piss real bad" he then set the phone down for a min and then came back after pissing off the side of his boat.

    Sounds about right

    never a dull moment.

  14. pfft fish finder

    the fish are at the seafood market, duh


    My day job is tech support for Lowrance. That means i get to help old guys out on the lake figure out how to use these high tech devices. In the middle of the call the guy was like "hey give me just a second. i gotta piss real bad" he then set the phone down for a min and then came back after pissing off the side of his boat.
