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Everything posted by filtor1

  1. filtor1

    Understanding Power Compression

    Great thread btw. I love learning new things about my hobbies!
  2. filtor1

    Understanding Power Compression

    When power is applied to the voice coil, the metal becomes hotter, and resistance increases. How is this measured? I know it happens. I am just curious. It seems to be logical to assume this increase in resistance would be linear to some degree. The measurement of 200deg C will double the resistance and result in a 3db loss in acoustical output is an great example. This also makes me wonder about different coil compositions and what implications said variable would have on not only to the rise itself but the equation used to measure and/or estimate the rate and amount of change. Edit: I just went through the Pinned explaination of how to measure impedance rise. I posted too soon.
  3. I can honestly say that I had not thought about this topic very intensely. Great read. Thanks for the information!
  4. Glad you were able to track down the issue.
  5. filtor1

    Pics to accompany my Q review

    See my other thread.
  6. filtor1

    Fi Q 12" Review

    To say the least, the Q's def wanted more power. I would recommend between 1000 and 1200 to anyone with them. I don't feel like they were deficient in any area with the 800ish watts I was feeding them though. As for the 8455. There are three things that bug me about it. The knob sensitivity is too high. Scrolling through tracks can, at times, be a chore. It doesn't have a removable face-plate. Lastly, and most annoyingly, is the lack of adjustability concerning the non-fader. My previous HU, an Alpine 9833, had the 8455 beat hands down. I was able to go from a roar to almost off with just the non-fader adjustment. With the 8455, this just isn't the case. Overall, I would rate it very high. The 8V pre-outs, display, and veriety of tuning options is second to none. I find it easy to roll through and find what I need quickly. I finally got the regular 7band equalization mode down and just started experimenting with Pro-mode when I had a failure. All of the sudden the subs started to randomly cut out while driving. The following day they cut out for good. After some digging a friend and I discovered that one side of the non-fader output was malfunctioning. When turning the volume up on the HU, you should see an increase, athough small mV, from the output. Apparently only one side was responding to input. It is currently on it's way to Eclipse. I def miss it. The HU I have now only has a single RCA output and has taken all adjustabily out of my setup. But it works, and I am thankful to have music at all. I will definitely be using the Pro-mode upon its return. As for the components, no bi-amping as of yet. I don't think the Contour mids could handle it. Although they are very warm and acurate. I don't feel like they can be pushed much farther than they already are. If the Germaniums become a reality, bi-amping will be necessary. I will have to wait and see.
  7. filtor1

    2 SSD 12

    I can't wait!
  8. filtor1

    2 SSD 12

    Awesome review. Sounds like you are happy with them. Have you thought about a sub up port back configuration for the ported enclosure? Just wondering how the tc would respond to that type of config. I am very interested to know how it turns out. Thanks...
  9. filtor1

    How did you guys find SSA???

    Shawn Fleming led me here. :cool32:
  10. filtor1

    BTL or BL help asap

    I would do the pair of BL's. Power would be perfect.
  11. filtor1

    Pics to accompany my Q review

    The top terminals were reserved for the 0ga power and ground. I thought the top terminals looked jumbled with all of the wires for the amps sprawled out in a relstively small area. So I added the side terminals for the amp power and grounds. It just looked better to me. How many batteries do you have now?
  12. filtor1

    Fi Q 12" Review

    Glad you liked it.
  13. filtor1

    Fi Q 12" Review

    Awesome, in the right box, you should love them. What are you going to power them with? already got the IA 20.1 waiting just for the two subs. hope the international shipping be worth it:) i wouldnt wanna start looking for another drivers Awesome! It will definitely be worth it. Keep us posted.
  14. I had the same thing happen to me. I think it was due to the screws that mount the fuse holder to the car came in contact with the wire or the fuse itself. I think the fuse didn't blow in your case because it caught a ground before the actual fuse had a chance to blow.
  15. filtor1

    Fi Q 12" Review

    Anytime Scott. I am always happy to contribute.
  16. filtor1

    Fi Q 12" Review

    Thanks man. I am always leery of posting b/c there is no real set standard for a review. I tried to be as thorough as possible. I realized I didn't mention my stage. I have Rainbow Contour 265's up front and a pair of Type-R comps in the rear. The R's are barely on, I use them to pull the stage back a little bit. I am going to trade the R's for my Contours and put Germaniums up front, when the money becomes available. It's good to see a more substantial review than simply "y0 I putz them in mah trunk and them bump hard, mayne!" Hahahahahaha! Indeed.
  17. filtor1

    Pics to accompany my Q review

    I did eventually level off the box. The left side sta about 1/4" lower than the right. I have a ton of pics of the deadening process too. If you guys are interested, let me know, I will start another thread.
  18. filtor1

    Pics to accompany my Q review

    One more for good measure:
  19. filtor1

    Pics to accompany my Q review

    Temporary. I was lazy.
  20. filtor1

    Fi Q 12" Review

    Awesome, in the right box, you should love them. What are you going to power them with?
  21. filtor1

    Fi Q 12" Review

    Thanks man. I am always leery of posting b/c there is no real set standard for a review. I tried to be as thorough as possible. I realized I didn't mention my stage. I have Rainbow Contour 265's up front and a pair of Type-R comps in the rear. The R's are barely on, I use them to pull the stage back a little bit. I am going to trade the R's for my Contours and put Germaniums up front, when the money becomes available.
  22. filtor1

    Fi Q 12" Review

    Again the Q's were dropped in. Same everything. And all I said was wow. They were much louder. My hair was moving, the breath in my lung was moving, and everything in and on the car was too. These were much louder! I will say, I have roughly 240sq ft of Stinger Extreme Roadkill throughout the car. I couldn't emagine how bad the body flex and rattling would be without it. These subs def needed some time to break in. Fast forward a few weeks. I had been pounding on them all I could with my 1500. Hour wise, I really couldn't say, I approximate 40-50, and they kept getting better. I really liked how warm the TDX's were. The TDX's didn't play as low. But they sounded great. In my opinion, the Q's started to sound similar. By no means are they the same. The Q's were playing Late Night Tip where the TDX's wouldn't. I listen to jazz and techno often. As time passed, the Q's accuracy began to shine. From Deisel Boy's fast paced quarter beat Drum and Bass to Patrick O'Hearns rolling lows, the Q's didn't miss a beat. I also like to listen to other things like Young Jibbs, Mike Jones, and Lil Scrappy. This is when it gets nasty. I have demoed the car for people. They all asked to see the trunk. They wouldn't believe that a. it was only a pair of twelves and b. it was only a single small amp. I actually had someone feel behind the box while looking for more drivers. There were none. I am not sure what thye low note in King Kong is, but it shines. Mike Jones, oh my. Get Some Crunk in Your System, wow. Some more songs I like; Kavious-Take a Picture, Trick Daddy-Tuck That Ice In, Jeezy-what doesn't have great low end? The single thing that made the Q one of my favorites was how linear it was. From 32 all the way to 100, which is where my crossover is set, everything is loud/even. I wish I could describe it better. I have owned several subs and have found them to increase in volume with certain tones. Sealed and ported, at or not at res freq. I tended to play only certain songs when showing the subs off. I don't have to do that with the Q's. I can play anything, as long as it isn't below tuning and where the ssf is set and it remains linear. I guess this is where design trumps big giant motors and fancy cones. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I will answer them to the best of my ability.