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Everything posted by filtor1

  1. filtor1

    drive thru liquor store

    We have them here in FL.
  2. filtor1

    FI SSD 15 Video :)

    What device is it stored on?
  3. filtor1

    FI SSD 15 just got mine

    The SSD is such an under rated driver. Thanks for sharing pics!
  4. filtor1

    FI SSD 15 Video :)

    Host it on photobucket.
  5. filtor1

    The Trunk !

    1 can of spray foam and roughly half a sheet of MDF. I did have the luxury of having my rear deck sealed with deadener already, but you can get creative here. Strip the rear deck and find and fill all the holes with caulking or even a small amount of expanding foam. Be careful with the foam. If you spray it into a spot where two panels are welded together you can run the risk of it expanding enough to pop the weld. I did that in the trunk of my third Gen Maxima.
  6. filtor1

    The Trunk !

    You will lose the benefit of "loading" if you just face it forward. there are other things at work too, but that is a separate topic. If you have rigged your rear seats to go down and don't mind them being down and can seal the face of the box off from the trunk, go for it. Here is one of my many renditions. Rear facing: Sealed off and forward facing: I not only gained over eliminated trunk rattle, made it easier to blend with the front stage, but also gained over 3db. Depending on the size of the opening and your rear deck, the entire project can be done for well under $100. Yes, I have done it for that or less.
  7. filtor1

    The Trunk !

    No disrespect taken Jon. I am with you an misconceptions as well. I was trying to work with the info I was given. I have watched your car being built on the forums. I have always enjoyed your project. I retract my statement about it being a waste.
  8. filtor1

    The Trunk !

    Then we started on the interior and interior panels. Every surface was dead. I went back and added ~50 Sq Ft of Ensolite to all the door panels. The closed cell foam products worked very well with the remaining road noise.
  9. filtor1

    The Trunk !

    Here is my person vehicle (sold it last year) That was the first layer. When I was done I had over 300Lbs added to the GVW of the car. Yes I took it to a weigh station when we were done.
  10. filtor1

    The Trunk !

    I have never done an install in a Countour. If memory serves me correctly, they have a decently large rear deck shelf. Do you have the ability to fold the rear seats down?
  11. filtor1

    The Trunk !

    It is cheaper than wasting all your money on deadener. whoa whoa whoa..... back this trolly up. deadener is FARRRRR from a waste of money, you must have used fat mat or some shit. i have 2 15s on 7K in my trunk and it does not rattle any where like you would think... not to mention it helps your sound floor... i just woke up ill let others tell your more benifits of deadener please dont give advice if you dont know what your talking about,. Morning bigjon! I stated that poorly. I think deadener and mass loading in general has it's place. I have a lot of experience in many different vehicles and many different products. I have used Rammat, Stinger Extreme Roadkill, Dynamat, and Dynamat Extreme all in my own car and several other brand others brought to me for their cars. FatMat, Edaed and the like. I think this puts me in a position to have an informed decision. Thus I was inclined to give Tony my advice. No question about deadener changing your sound floor. It also has had the effect of lowering my peak frequency. My cabin was so dead with respect to road noise and internal vibrations. I loved it and would do it again given the budget to do so. I spent over $1k on deadener alone in an effort to quiet my trunk. With the subs facing the trunk, it didn't matter. I added 4 layers and it still rattled. As Tony stated, he is in HS and doesn't have the money to spend on deadener. A sheet of 1/2"MDF and some creativity can solve his problem if he has the ability to fire forward. Chris
  12. filtor1

    The Trunk !

    I will never do a trunk car any other way again. Well, with the exception of a 4th order done in the same manor.
  13. filtor1

    The Trunk !

    Awesome! The best advise I can give is to seal the trunk off and fire the port and sub forward. Second choice would be port up through the rear deck and sub forward. I know this sounds like a lot, but it really isn't. It is cheaper than wasting all your money on deadener. I have been there. The only thing that made me happy was eliminating it all together. What car/truck?
  14. filtor1

    The Trunk !

    Is your SSD ported or sealed?
  15. filtor1

    Finally Ordered 18's again

    I can't wait to see this build!
  16. filtor1

    how can i contact aa/fi??

    He will fit right in over on ca. I hope he figures out that you can't treat people that way without consequences.
  17. filtor1

    FI SSD 15 just got mine

    Awesome news Tony!! Congrats on your purchase.
  18. filtor1

    20 business days....

    LOL. My first thought was, oh boy. I am glad you got everything and it was undamaged. What application will they be used in?
  19. filtor1

    how can i contact aa/fi??

    If I were any of these companies, I wouldn't want you to run my equipment.
  20. filtor1

    11 business day!

    I will post many as soon as mine come in. MY particular project may not be complete until Early Feb 2013. Too much to do in so little time.
  21. filtor1

    11 business day!

    Pics when it comes in!! I love driver pron.
  22. filtor1

    having trouble with an order from FI

  23. filtor1

    11 business day!

    Outside of Tony being excited about his purchase, I don't really think so.
  24. filtor1

    11 business day!

    Yeah man! It is like a bad ass random gift when you come home from work. You are about half way through the typical time it takes to fully process an order. You won't regret it. Chris