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Everything posted by filtor1

  1. filtor1

    11 business day!

    Woo hoo!! I am in que myself now Tony.
  2. filtor1

    SSD modified for HT duty?

    Done. Q's it is.
  3. filtor1

    SSD modified for HT duty?

    I see a lot of people using the SSD to augment their existing home theaters all the time. Is there something that can be done to lower the FS? Maybe a different spider pack or gap adjustment. Thank you for your time and response, Chris
  4. filtor1

    What hapened to Sean from FI

    Glad to see you are back at what you do best.
  5. filtor1

    11 business day!

    It is exciting to know they are hand making your sub, isn't it.
  6. filtor1

    4 Fi SP4 18s on 4 DC 3.5Ks 11hz hairtrickin'

    Nice job!! I like seeing the SP4's workin.
  7. filtor1

    SSD modified for HT duty?

    Indeed it is. It looks like I am going to invest in a second or larger amp.
  8. filtor1

    SSD modified for HT duty?

    Nick, nice to hear from you . I currently have a single sealed Dayton Titanic 15" w/ the Dayton 1K plate amp. Although it walks all over the place even with the spikes installed, it honestly does a great job with everything most people want. I found a weird spot over by my fireplace that gives me what I think is a relatively even frequency response. It runs out of steam in the mid 20Hz range and down. For my room being open to the rest of the house I think it does a pretty good job. I am searching for more cone area to dig a little deeper. I know I am not going to be flat to 5Hz and frankly am not looking for that. I think I am sold on the vertical dual opposed design due to being able to stick to the ~25"x25" footprint in each front corner which is currently taken up by my CV VS120's. I know I am going to need as much cone area as I can fit in that area too. Duran, I appreciate your input and settling that misconception for me. I have given this spec way too much with regards to my driver selection and the possible impact on my goals.
  9. filtor1

    SSD modified for HT duty?

    I didn't look at them as I will need to keep enclosure size to a minimum. I spent the last hour talking with the wife. I am back to the drawing board again. It seems like every time I come up with a viable option it violates something for her. The ideal enclosure for 4 IB3 18"s would be too big. My original idea was to do 4 SP4 18"s across the front. That one went out the window because of the power I would need to properly drive them is more than I have available. I then moved on to IB3 18"s, but there is no spot available to put a manifold. I picked the dual opposed option as a solution to the floor space and cab size issues. Although this may still work, they need to do so with the addition of some build in cabinets we had discussed putting in several months ago. I neglected to take these into consideration. I admit fault there. I am going to have to go back to the idea board and look at more options at this point. I think I am going to make a post over at AVS and see if they have a solution. That is where I got the idea for the vertical dual opposed design.
  10. filtor1

    SSD modified for HT duty?

    I will see if I can find someone to help me with WinISD. I have never been able to properly model yet. Most of the builds I see are using the 15" version and they seem to do very well as the driver is. Thank you both for helping.
  11. filtor1

    SSD modified for HT duty?

    Almost forgot, I was looking for the lower FS due to the possibility of doing 4 LLT's tuned to ~10-15Hz. I haven't decided yet. But I am leaning toward the dual opposed sealed alignment.
  12. filtor1

    SSD modified for HT duty?

    I had considered the SP4 but I don't have enough power to the room to power 4 let alone the rest of the equipment. The Q's would be stretching it as well.
  13. filtor1

    finally arrived vids inside

    Bad ass!! I hope to do something like this one day.
  14. filtor1

    measuring aero port length

    Are these true Aero's? Precision Ports? If so, They will come with directions and formula's you will need to calculate the port length.
  15. filtor1

    144.8 db-------on music

    I hate when that happens
  16. filtor1

    144.8 db-------on music

    Yes, legal is doors closed and windows up. Sensor on the window.
  17. filtor1

    Ascendant Audio Chevy Astro

    Ummm, I think I have a man crush..... When I dream of my ultimate system, this is what it looks like!
  18. filtor1

    I almost forgot about posting pics

    Man, I miss this set up. Had to take it out and sell it. Unemployment really sucks. At least I can come here and watch my videos.
  19. I guess with the holidays and all of my car issues I neglected to post these. It shouldn't be too long before I get them in. Next to one (of 2) of the 4" Precision Ports I plan on using. and my favorite pic Enjoy!
  20. filtor1

    144.8 db-------on music

    Very nice score IMO. I did a shade lower 144.7 in my 01' Maxima with a pair of Havoc 12"s. That was a legal score on the dash and sealed up using a new TL. I was VERY happy. 3.8cf tuned to 30Hz using a SAZ3000D My peak in car was @ 41Hz.
  21. filtor1

    Ascendant Audio Chevy Astro

    I threw up a little.....it was like a celebrity died. I can't wait to see where this is going!
  22. filtor1

    I almost forgot about posting pics

    They play very low too. I bet someone could easily use these as a front stage w/o a subwoofer and be very happy. I am too much of a basshead for that though. Here are the specs on the mids. Taken directly from the Rainbow web site. 90 dB 1W/1m Frequency response / Übertragungsbereich: 35 - 35.000 Hz Not too bad for a midbass driver. link: rainbow - german car audio | Rainbow Audio Components I can't wait to get the funds to glass my doors. I found a great angle for both the cal27's and the mids that I like.
  23. filtor1

    Need help choosing?

    How so?
  24. filtor1

    New Pics of my Havocs

    Good stuff right there!