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Aaron Clinton

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Everything posted by Aaron Clinton

  1. Aaron Clinton

    Box for 1 15" SSA ICON

    I believe I replied to your email earlier on. But in terms of the box, if you feel you are not having the proper space to port it, option for sealed and build a nice and sturdy enclosure.
  2. Aaron Clinton

    Jl Audio W6's

    Haha, never know.
  3. Aaron Clinton

    '12 Grand Cherokee

  4. Aaron Clinton

    2 Demons in the X1

    Warranty stuff?
  5. Aaron Clinton

    FI Audio 15 Sub Identification

    Sean is correct, it is not a Fi sub, it is a Fi recone in a TC Based basket and motor.
  6. Aaron Clinton

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I hope everyone is having a good start to their summer.
  7. Aaron Clinton

    Crypto fun

    I am still in on this, slowly accumulating good shit, just waiting it out.
  8. Aaron Clinton

    What's Going On

    thank you for joining up over here too.
  9. Aaron Clinton

    Trauma 2000.1

    Nice amp!
  10. Components are now up!
  11. I truly appreciate all the work you put into this project.
  12. Aaron Clinton

    1 sundown SA8 enough?

    Woah, Times Square!
  13. Aaron Clinton

    2005 Subaru Forester Build Log

    Will you keep the same specs on the rebuild?
  14. Aaron Clinton

    do you trust buying alternators parts from Hex auto parts?

    I have never heard of them.
  15. Aaron Clinton

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Is it still loading poorly for you?
  16. Aaron Clinton

    2021 Volkswagen Passat Rline

    I know a place that carries XS Power.
  17. Aaron Clinton

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Everything on the front end is working for me in Brave. Back end, we have loads of issues, but the fix is a very costly upgrade that we do not have the $ for.
  18. Aaron Clinton

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Not sure what you mean by that.
  19. Aaron Clinton

    How did you guys find SSA???

  20. Aaron Clinton

    How did you guys find SSA???

    Welcome to SSA
  21. Aaron Clinton

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    E350 with the 4x4 off-road upgrade.