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Aaron Clinton

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Everything posted by Aaron Clinton

  1. Aaron Clinton

    Where to get supliments

    We have been surviving on our home set up, with a rack, small free-weights, and Peloton work outs.
  2. Aaron Clinton

    New and Checking in!

    If you would like a manufactures section, shoot me a PM.
  3. Aaron Clinton

    Crypto fun

    Bitcoin is finite and no more will every be minted (unlike the dollar), so Bitcoin has morphed into a store of value, like the digital gold. Heck, I buy $10 of BTC each dip day.
  4. Aaron Clinton

    New and Checking in!

    Welcome to SSA.
  5. Aaron Clinton

    Crypto fun

    What is your risk comfort level? Asking as there are the big stabilizing ones like BTC and ETH for example, but the majority of the huge percentage gains are coming from actual alt coins (not shit coins) that are strong projects with big following online. Plus, if you can get staking rewards (interest) it can be even more of a positive return. Example, I have Solana (SOL) and started buying pinches when it was around $27. It has since catapulted to over $110, and all the while I am getting over 6% interest. In a matter of less than 2 months, it became my #3 crypto holding. But, Solana is not as typical as most alt coins that are rising. Some of the projects are pretty amazing for what they are working on. If you want to start of safe and simple, I can help get you up and running on BlockFi (has basically become a bank for crypto). Its very simple overall. You transfer in cash, it converts to GUSD. GUSD is a stable coin that matches its value to the dollar and is getting 7.5-8% interest. When you are wanting to buy BTC for example, you use that GUSD that was the transferred in cash. My join code: https://blockfi.com/?ref=e72a96e8 just need to enter e72a96e8 when they ask for the referral code. BlockFi list of coins so far:
  6. Aaron Clinton

    Crypto fun

    I can help with info if you are interested. Been diving into this to diversify even more. Honestly, it is to the point where I think most anyone with substantial savings, needs to consider.
  7. Aaron Clinton

    Crypto fun

    I am still on buying pinched of ETH, I have the BlockFi CC getting 3.5% back in BTC, and buy small amounts of XLM on a semi regular basis.
  8. Aaron Clinton

    Crypto fun

    There are loads of newer great projects that are proof of stake that don't need mining and you can get staking rewards (interest). Projects like Solana (SOL), Cardano (ADA), VeChain (VET) etc.
  9. Aaron Clinton

    Where to get supliments

    Another small protein order.
  10. Aaron Clinton

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Understand the feeling. Looking forward to the new 6 with potentially a straight 6, RWD, and manual. Hoping my IS can make it to 2025 when there will be some used Mazda 6's spec'd out that way.
  11. Aaron Clinton

    New Project - Gym Speakers

    Good looking start.
  12. Aaron Clinton

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  13. Aaron Clinton

    New Member Check-In

    Welcome to SSA.
  14. Aaron Clinton

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Congrats on the car. Great color.
  15. Aaron Clinton

    2021 Volkswagen Passat Rline

    Looking good so far.
  16. Aaron Clinton

    How did you guys find SSA???

    Glad you joined.
  17. Aaron Clinton

    New to the group

    Glad you found us.
  18. Aaron Clinton

    GCON 10 in .84 ported?

    Sorry for the late reply. That is pretty small for a single 10 ported, but if you can do an external port I think you will be ok.
  19. Aaron Clinton

    Audio Legion

    From what I was told, yes, something shady, but not on the part of Audio Legion. They got screwed over badly, which is a shame as the team behind AL were good people.
  20. Aaron Clinton

    enclosure ideas for fi neo 4.x

    It is hard to say for certain as that sub does not have specs since it is an optioned up model. But that box seems on paper to be a good starting point.
  21. Aaron Clinton

    Ebay Enclosures

  22. Aaron Clinton

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Yes, that is why I am in on BTC, LTC, XLM, ATOM, ADA.
  23. Aaron Clinton

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    "Tis a GM. That was easy.
  24. Aaron Clinton

    Ssa evil 18s

    The shipping delays, matched with the huge demand has caused a nutty storm.
  25. Aaron Clinton

    Ssa evil 18s

    Yes, the motors are due in very shortly (last I heard) and production can start right away.