
I decided to make a thread that will list any useful links that I may have come across and would like to share, it can be a place for all useful and audio related links that other members may find helpful and useful. So please add, the more the better. I would like to stick to some kind of standard format though so that it may be easy for other members to know what your posting, as well as a brief comment or description. I will edit this as much as possible.

http://www.zaphaudio.com/6.5test/ - Link for a variety of 6.5" door speakers with a brief summary.

http://www.mfk-proje...easurements.htm - Testing for various woofers/speakers

http://www.bhphotovideo.com/ - Good online store for electronics at low prices

http://www.madisound.com/ - Good online store for electronics at low prices

http://www.parts-express.com/index.cfm Good online store for electronics at low prices

http://www.usheraudio.com/ - Great Home Audio Equipment

http://www.speakerdesign.net/ - Measurements and data of various woofers/speakers

http://www.audioheur...easurements.htm - For serious tuners regarding more speaker data

http://www.monoprice.com/ - Great place to buy many electronics at warehouse prices but with amazing value

http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/ - <3

https://weldingsuppl...talogs.pl?UNDEF - Best place to buy cable IMO

http://www.youtube.com/user/HexiBase - Amazing guy to watch (AE I think)

Well thats about all I can remember right now, will continue to add once I come across more or when I can remember more.

https://www.vtewarehouse.com/index.php - amazing prices on ring terminals and fuse holders

http://www.allbatter...e.com/index.htm - a whole lot of automotive needs at low prices, except their cable pricing, 9$/ft for 4/0!

http://www.bodziosoftware.com.au/PORTS.pdf - Information regarding port   http://www.hometheaterhifi.com/volume_5_2/cmilleressayporting.html  -  How a Hole-in-the-Box Works - A Big Dig into Bass Reflex