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Everything posted by dvldogyut

  1. dvldogyut

    4th order for a Warden/ Will it work?

    You can also check out his website. Bassheadsent.net
  2. dvldogyut

    4th order for a Warden/ Will it work?

    This!!!!! Robin is an awesome guy, and does amazing work. I am building a 4th order that he designed.
  3. dvldogyut

    IA DP 21

    It must be stolen or blown. Although It looks like it has never been mounted. They don't make gaskets for the 21". I had two just like this. Great subs. Seems a little odd with a price that low.
  4. dvldogyut

    4th order for a Warden/ Will it work?

    Many people have, noisy cricket for 1 is running four 15's, bola is running 4 18's. Both put up some amazing numbers. And I am sure there is many more out there. These are just two that I can vouch for. Oh I think bola's is a 6th order.
  5. they should do it on facebook... that way they get their facebook page exposed & just who ever gets the most likes or w/e wins... i mean that seems the most popular way of doing it lol Seems that way would be the most biased to people who had the most friends. Same way with YouTube, the person with the most subscribers would win.
  6. Where and how will the voting take place?
  7. dvldogyut

    !!!!!A video build log - 4 Death Penalty 18's

    Oh this is a Bass Heads Entertainment design.
  8. dvldogyut

    !!!!!A video build log - 4 Death Penalty 18's

    Well he is a little screen shot of what the enclosure will look like.
  9. dvldogyut

    !!!!!A video build log - 4 Death Penalty 18's

    I got a couple pictures for this update. I also have some video as well, which I will upload when I get time. But I will let the pictures do the talking.